Research projects

You searched in School of Languages, Cultures and Societies Speech production and perception

Past projects

Title Funder Start date End date
How variable is speech, how reliable are single recordings? Assessing the medium-term dynamics of speech through iterative data collection British Academy/Leverhulme Trust 4 July 2022 1 July 2024
Safeguarding minoritised languages in a global world: protecting and promoting the Galician language. Michael Beverley Innovation Fellowship 5 October 2021 31 July 2023
Speech tempo perception and missing sounds Leverhulme Trust 4 September 2017 1 October 2020
Syllables, segments and how to measure speech tempo: Evidence from listening experiments British Academy / Leverhulme Trust 4 July 2016 3 September 2017
Signs beyond borders: Meaning-making across sign and spoken languages Internally funded 2017 2018
EStages.UK. Spanish theatre in United Kingdom (1982-2019) Marie Skłodowska-Curie (Individual Fellowship), Horizon 2020, European Commission. Grant agreement ID: 797942 2019 2023