
Bernard Picart after Romeyn de Hooghe, Mutilation of the bodies of the brothers de Witt 1672, etching, 27cm x 35cm, 1728, Rijksmuseum Prints and Drawings
Programme 2017-2018
All seminars start at 5:30PM
Venue: Seminar Room 1, LHRI (Leeds Humanities Research Institute), 29-31 Clarendon Place
All Welcome!
20 November 2017
Dr Leticia Villamediana González (University of Warwick)
‘Entre filias y fobias’: British Enlightenment in the 18th-Century Spanish Press
04 December 2017
Dr Alan Mackintosh (University of Leeds)
Dangers of the ‘Imagination’: The Passions and their Perils in Eighteenth-century Healthcare and Culture
05 February 2018
Postgraduate themed evening
Convenor: Richard Bellis (University of Leeds)
Alessio Mattana (School of English, University of Leeds):
‘From one Faculty to Another’: The Verbal and the Visual in Hooke’s Micrographia’
Francis Osis (School of Humanities, University of Glasgow):
‘Bodies of Knowledge: Venereal Disease in Eighteenth-Century Medical Museums’
Richard Bellis (School of PHRS, University of Leeds):
‘Diseased Bodies and Works on Disease: Matthew Baillie’s Morbid Anatomy and the ‘Epistemic Genre’
Theme: The Use and Misuse of Eighteenth-Century Bodies
23 April 2018
Dr David Hope (School of History, Classics and Archaeology Newcastle University)
Material Culture and Consumer Demand in the British Atlantic: The Case of the Hudson’s Bay Company’s Servants, c. 1780-1820
30 April 2018
Dr Elizabeth Wallman (French Department, UCL)
Political Economy in Action: The Government of Circulation in Eighteenth-Century Beekeeping Manuals
For further information, please contact a member of the Committee:
Gregorio Alonso; Richard Bellis; Kerry Bristol; Valerie Mainz; Peter Maw