Adam Jones
- Course: Spanish, Portuguese and Latin American Studies
I applied to my course because you are able to do a term abroad in Spain at the end of your second year, and then a whole year in Portugal or Brazil. As well as this, I was starting Portuguese as a beginner, and the fact that the teachers were able to get you to A Level standard in a year is incredible.
The teachers are attentive and knowledgeable about the topics and are always willing to help you out in any way they can. The module choices on offer are very varied and so it has been easy to tailor each year to what I want to study. Personally I love history, and there are many modules which cover this area.
I spent my third year in a small city called Coimbra in Portugal. It was an incredible experience, where I was able to meet people from so many different countries and converse with them in Portuguese.
In my first year I was asked by my teacher to represent Portuguese studies to future students who were considering applying for the subject. I show future students around the University and answer any questions that they may have. I am also involved in the annual University open days in which I talk tovisitors about my course.
I have been involved in many societies during my time at Leeds: Stage Musical Society, Musical Theatre, Pantomime Society and the Spanish, Portuguese and Latin American Studies Society (SlapSoc). The societies are a great way to meet people from different areas of the University as well as the people in your department, through socials and other activities. It’s a great way to do what you love doing outside of your studies.
The great thing with languages is that they open up your opportunities to go into many different fields and work abroad in many different countries. With the contacts I made during my year abroad in Brazil, I have the option of working there as well as as in Europe – the world is my oyster.