Modern Languages and English (Chinese)
The list shown below represents typical modules/components studied if you choose Chinese as your language pathway.
For information on typical modules for English, please check the course page.
These modules may change from time to time. Read more in our terms and conditions.
Year 1
Compulsory modules
Basic Chinese Language 1 (20 credits) – This intensive Chinese language module is suitable for complete and false beginners. It progresses fast and aims to help students to improve all their four basic skills in a balanced way through a range of classes – lecture, drill, listening and practical. Students will be engaged in an interactive and communicative learning environment and work with both simplified Chinese characters (read, write and type) and traditional Chinese characters (read).
Basic Chinese Language 2 (20 credits) – This intensive Chinese language module is suitable for students who have learnt about 500 Chinese characters and are familiar with essential features of Chinese syntax. It progresses fast and aims to help students to achieve a lower-intermediate level overall through a range of classes – lecture, drill, listening, speaking and practical. Students will be engaged in an interactive and communicative learning environment and work with both simplified Chinese characters (read, write and type) and traditional Chinese characters (read).
Modern China: History and Culture (20 credits) – In order to understand contemporary Chinese society and culture it is vital to be familiar with its recent history. The aim of this module is to give students an overview of the major events and trends in the political, social, and economic history of modern China, and of how these have been reflected in literature, cinema and other cultural forms.
Worlds of Literature (20 credits) – Making use of examples drawn from the wide range of cultures taught in LCS, this module will challenge you to think critically about your own perceptions of literary cultures, raise your awareness of the intellectual, cultural and ethical questions in the study of literature, and introduce you to some of the concepts and approaches that will help you to negotiate the reciprocities and complexities of the interactions between literary traditions.
Year 2
Compulsory modules
Year Abroad in China (120 credits)
Year 3
Compulsory modules
Chinese 2A (20 credits) – This module is a comprehensive course of upper-intermediate language skills, which provides students with the opportunity to improve their Chinese linguistic and communicative competence through newspaper readings, a systematic study of some main features of Chinese grammar, translation between Chinese and English, listening comprehension, interpersonal communication and oral interpretation.
Chinese 2B (20 credits) – This module is a comprehensive course of upper-intermediate language skills, which aims to improve students' practical language skills through intensive and extensive readings, writings, translation/interpretation between Chinese and English, listening comprehension and interpersonal communication. Topics covered may include literature, business, tourism, education, Taiwan and other cultural issues.
Optional modules
China Since 1979 (20 credits)
Japan's International Relations (20 credits)
The Making of Modern Thailand (20 credits)
Classics of Chinese Literature and Thought (20 credits)
Society and Culture of Early Modern China (20 credits)
Trauma Narratives in the Contemporary Sinophone World (20 credits)
An Introduction to Cantonese (1) (10 credits)
Chinese Cinema (20 credits)
Japanese Development Assistance in a Globalising World (20 credits)
Topics in Contemporary Asia Pacific Societies (20 credits)
Religion in China (20 credits)
Civil Society and the Non-Profit Sector in Contemporary China (20 credits)
Pre-Modern Chinese Fiction and Drama (20 credits)
Women and Family in Chinese Society (20 credits)
East Asia's Regional Political Economy (20 credits)
Sino-Japanese Relations: Past and Present (20 credits)
Global Environmental Humanities (20 credits)
Year 4
Compulsory modules
Chinese 3: Advanced Skills (20 credits) – This module emphasises the active language skills students will need to gain a deeper understanding of China, to equip them for the workplace, for possible further study, and for lifelong engagement with China and its people generally. The practical training in this module includes speaking and listening, translating from English into Chinese, and composition in Chinese, taught in a mutually reinforcing way.
Optional modules
Final Year Project: Dissertation (40 credits)
Final Year Project: Extended Translation (40 credits)
Final Year Project: Digital Documentary (Podcast) (40 credits)
Classics of Chinese Literature and Thought (20 credits)
Chinese Oral and Performance Traditions (20 credits)
Religion in China (20 credits)
Civil Society and the Non-Profit Sector in Contemporary China (20 credits)
Modern Documentary Chinese: Politics and Law (10 credits)
Chinese Literature 1912 - 1949 (10 credits)
Classical Chinese (20 credits)
Pre-Modern Chinese Fiction and Drama (20 credits)
Trauma Narratives in the Contemporary Sinophone World (20 credits)
Women and Family in Chinese Society (20 credits)
Modern Japanese History (20 credits)
East Asia's Regional Political Economy (20 credits)
Death and Religion in Japan (20 credits)
Globalising China and the Developing World (20 credits)
Sino-Japanese Relations: Past and Present (20 credits)
Representing the Holocaust: Transgression and the Taboo (20 credits)
Contemporary World Literature (20 credits)
Material Cultures and Cultures of Consumption (20 credits)
Adventures of the Imagination: Crime and the Fantastic Across Continents (20 credits)
Decolonial Approaches (20 credits)
Social Movements across Cultures (20 credits)
Minoritised Languages, Dialects and Cultures from Past to Present (20 credits)
Linguists into Schools (20 credits)