Popular Culture
A research area within The School of Languages, Cultures and Societies

Popular Culture research
Our research
In the School of Languages, Cultures and Societies, we undertake research and teach on a variety of issues related to popular culture, including blockbuster movies, rap music, graphic novels and popular theatre in various national, transnational and international contexts.
Our expertise
Discover our internationally-renowned academic staff and subject specialists who lead our research.
More on Our expertiseResearch projects
Our research is often collaborative and has an international impact. Explore the outcomes of our past and present research projects associated with Popular Culture.
More on Research projectsPostgraduate researchers
Find out more about our postgraduate researchers and their projects and placements.
More on Postgraduate researchersResearch groups and networks
Our Mythical Childhood
The reception of classical antiquity in children’s and young adults’ culture in response to regional and global challenges
More on Our Mythical ChildhoodPopular Culture Research Network
The Popular Culture Research Network is a gathering of academic staff and postgraduates at Leeds and elsewhere who have teaching and research interests in popular culture. The network promotes an open, pluralistic and evolving sense of what is meant by 'popular culture' and encourages dialogue between modern languages disciplines and the well-established perspectives of Anglophone cultural studies.