Research Projects

Recent research projects developed in relation to Intercultural Studies at Leeds include:
- An Anthropology of Swimming: Exploring Communication, Identity and Inclusivity in Publicly Accessible British Pools
- AIAI: Artificial Intelligence, Art and Indigeneity
- AEI: Arte Eletrônica Indígena
- Commemoration, Conflict and Conscience
- Exploring Diversity in an Interstitial Urban Locale: The LGBTQ Community of Ceuta
- Hematopolitics: Blood Donation and Contested Belonging in East Asia
- Intercultural Communication in Interaction: multimodal approaches
- Leeds Voices: Communicating Superdiversity in the Market
- OKAX: The Kariri-Xocó Language Revitalisation Project
- Origem: Queering Indigeneity in Northeastern Brazil
- Signs Beyond Borders: Meaning-Making across Sign and Spoken Languages
- Sumak Kawsay and the Sustainable Development Agenda: Critical Debates and Creative Responses from a Latin American Indigenous Perspective
- The Tibetan Sustainable Heritage Initiative
- Ways of Knowing: Developing Research Cultures of Resistance.
We contribute actively to the activities of the School research centres and networks, and especially of:
- Centre for Endangered Languages, Cultures and Ecosystems
- Centre for Translation Studies
- Centre for World Cinemas and Digital Cultures
- Language at Leeds
- Queer Area Studies Network.
In the wider University, we regularly collaborate with researchers attached to the School of Education’s Centre for Language Education Research and were involved in the ETHER: Ethics and Aesthetics of Encountering the Other, New Frameworks for Engaging with Difference project. We also collaborate with researchers working in interfaith relations and peacebuilding attached to the Centre for Religion in Public Life, and those working on questions of race and ethnicity in intercultural relations attached to the Centre for Ethnicity and Racism Studies.
Beyond Leeds, we have a strong connection with the International Association of Languages and Intercultural Communication.