Student and alumni profiles

Find out what our current students think about our courses, where our alumni are now and how their experiences at Leeds have helped them in their career.

Name Course Nationality
Portrait of Mary o gorman Mary O'Gorman BA English Language and Literature
Profile photo of alumnus, Matteo Ferrari Matteo Ferrari BA English Literature British
Profile image of English and Comparative Literature Student Megan Fryer English and Comparative Literature (Industrial)
Miranda Wild BA English Literature
Portrait of Naomi Adams Naomi Adams MA Modern and Contemporary Literature
Natalie Jones, School of English student Natalie Jones MA by Research English Language British
Photo of Noah Hughes, BA English Language and Literature student. Noah Hughes BA English Language and Literature British
Phoebe Ryan, MA English student Phoebe Ryan MA Postcolonial Literature and Postcolonial Studies
Raisa Butt, MA English Literature student Raisa Butt MA English Literature
Portrait of Rhiannon wraith Rhiannon Wraith BA English Language and Linguistics (Industrial)
Robert Cairns, MA American Literature and Culture student Robert Cairns MA American Literature and Culture
Rupali Sindhu, MA Creative Writing and Critical Life student Rupali Sindhu MA Creative Writing and Critical Life Indian
Sacha Crowther, MA English Literature student Sacha Crowther MA English Literature
Sam hardy english and theatre Sam Hardy English Literature and Theatre Studies British
Portrait of Samuel Perks Samuel Perks PhD English
Portrait of Sara Brio Sara Brio PhD English
Shelley Saggar, MA Postcolonial Literary & Cultural Studies student Shelley Angelie Saggar MA Postcolonial Literary and Cultural Studies
A black and white photo of Shreya Shreya MA Creative Writing and Critical Life Indian
Portrait of Simone bhagat Simone Bhagat BA English Language & Linguistics
Portrait of Sophie Carr Sophie Carr BA English Literature and Theatre Studies