Visiting scholars

The School of English warmly welcomes applications from scholars who are keen to pursue a short scheme of research at the University (for a maximum of 12 months) and participate in our diverse international research culture. Previous scholars have hailed from a range of international locations, including Japan, China, India, the USA, Spain and Finland, as well as from here in the UK.

The School expects visiting scholars to have a full-time post at a university or similar institution. You should normally have a doctoral degree and should have at least one scholarly publication. We have other arrangements for visiting students.

Applications are rigorously assessed and should be appropriate to the particular research environment of the School of English at Leeds.

Please note: The School of English at Leeds is concerned with the study of English literature, including drama and film, and English Linguistic Studies. If your research concerns the teaching of English as a second language (TESOL) please contact the University’s School of Education.

We welcome applications from visiting scholars from other institutions who have a clearly defined research plan that can be appropriately conducted here, and we value the intellectual exchange facilitated by their presence within, and contribution to, our academic community.

Successful applicants to the School’s visiting scholar scheme can choose from one of two packages:

Option A 

Charge: £1000 for a period of 15-52 weeks; £500 for a period less than 15 weeks.

  • Full access to the university’s computing service and library facilities.
  • Permission to attend any lectures in the School delivered to undergraduate audiences, and any research seminars which they feel are appropriate to their needs.
  • Permission to audit one MA module in each semester from the list available in the School’s MA programme each year. Availability of modules varies from one year to another and cannot be guaranteed until September. The module coordinator must also agree to your attendance.

Option B 

Charge: One half of the current international student fee for postgraduate students. This gives you all the benefits of Option A, plus:

  • The opportunity to take the MA Research Methods module.
  • An entitlement to a monthly meeting with an appropriate member of staff to discuss your research.
  • Access to a shared office space.

Please note that visiting scholars will not be able to:

  • Register as a student
  • Work towards a qualification
  • Stay longer than 12 months.

If you would like to apply to be a visiting scholar in the School of English, please send us your CV together with a completed version of the School of English Visiting Scholars application form.

The form asks you to identify an academic contact in the School of English, whose research interests are compatible with your own. A list of current academic staff is available here.

Applications, and any other queries about the scheme, should be directed to Luiza Valozic Nenadic, PA to Head of School of English. Email: