Participant profiles
Stefano Salis

Stefano Salis was born in 1971 in Sant’Antioco, Sardinia.
He is an Italian journalist, and an editor of the literary supplement of the financial newspaper Il Sole 24 Ore.
Among his interests are the mechanisms of production and distribution of cultural products, literature, and music. He has co-edited Nero su giallo. Leonardo Sciascia eretico del genere poliziesco (La vita felice 2006).
He has also written the prefaces to the Italian translations of André Schiffrin’s Le contrôle de la parole (Il controllo della parola, Bollati Boringhieri 2006) and David Shields’s Reality Hunger. A Manifesto (Fame di realtà. Un manifesto,Fazi 2010). He is a regular contributor to Tirature, yearbook of literature and the publishing industry edited by Vittorio Spinazzola.
Read Stefano Salis’ review of Marinai profeti e balene by Vinicio Capossela on Il Sole 24 Ore (29 May 2011), entitled Epici naufragi sulla rotta delle sirene.
Event: Vinicio Capossela in Stories from Sailors, Prophets and Whales