Past events
Understanding 'Made in Italy'. The Genealogy of a Global Brand

Understanding 'Made in Italy'. The Genealogy of a Global Brand was a talk by Daniele Balicco (freelance journalist and independent scholar), which was aimed at tracing the emergence and development of the "Made in Italy", with a particular focus on its relationship with Italian political and social history. This event, organized by Alessio Baldini (Italian, University of Leeds) was divided into two parts: the talk was followed by an open discussion, with Giorgia Aiello, as respondent (School of Media and Communication, University of Leeds).
This event is part of the module ITAL3400 Made in Italy: Italian for business, directed by Alessio Baldini.
Despite years of recession, Italy is still the second manufacturing economy in Europe and the sixth in the world. Food, fashion, furniture, biomedical technology, and high-tech machinery are some of Italy's crucial economic sectors. The export success enjoyed by Italian food, fashion and furniture since the 70s has given rise to the global brand "Made in Italy".
If you are interested to know more about 'Made in Italy', you can read an interview to Alessandro Mendini, which is entitled 'La vita degli oggetti. Il Made in Italy come resistenza umanistica', edited by Daniele Balicco e Davide Ferri.