Fusão Programme

The Camões Centre celebrates Portuguese Language and Lusophone Cultures through our exciting Fusão programme. Fusão is a programme of public academic and cultural events coordinated by Portuguese at the University of Leeds, which aims to showcase the culture of the Portuguese-speaking world in Leeds and the North of England.
We host a rich and varied programme of annual events including talks, Q&As, film screenings and public lectures which explore the history, society and cultural production of the Portuguese-speaking countries.
Since its launch in Leeds in 2013, the Fusão programme has welcomed academics and artists from across the UK and Europe who have spoken on topics ranging from protest songs in Portugal, to the representation of the Lusophone world on film, and public demonstrations in contemporary Brazil.
For more information about Fusão and our events and activities, please contact Sofia Martinho or email camoescentre@leeds.ac.uk.
Upcoming events
"From New Portuguese Letters to Ana Luísa Amaral", Dra Marinela Freitas (University of Porto, Portugal). Research Seminar, 20 November 2023, 4 – 6pm Room TBC
Past events
‘Variation in Brazilian Portuguese and its challenges for teaching’, Dr. Paul O’Neill (University of Sheffield). Research seminar and wine reception, 8 March 2023
‘Bissau-Guinean vernacular films in transnational flow’, Dr Catarina Laranjeiro (Institute for Contemporary History of NOVA-FCSH, Portugal). Research seminar. 22 November 2022
‘Celebrating Portuguese Studies at Leeds’, event with the presence of Mr Duarte Bué Alves, Consul General of Portugal in Manchester. Student presentations and Prize Award Ceremony for Best First Year Student 2021-2022. Reserch Seminar: "Peeing Out the Poisons of the Past: Rui Lage’s Ambivalent Poetic Portraits of Rural Portugal", by Dr Peter Haysom (University of Leeds). 10 November 2022
‘Save a carnation for me. Voices of struggle between Brazil and Portugal (1968-1983)’, Dr João Carlos Callixto (University of Lisbon). Research seminar and wine reception, 26 April 2022
‘Roundtable: Rap against racism in Spain and Portugal’ with guest speakers Telma Tvon (an Afro-Portuguese rapper) and El Chojin (an Afro-Spanish rapper). 8 March 2022
‘Celebrating Aurora Negra, a play inspired by the writers' memories of growing up as young black women in Portugal’. Online roundtable with Isabél Zuaa, Cleo Tavares, and Nádia Yracema. 22 June 2021
'Monstrosity and Cannibalism in Contemporary Brazilian Art': 'Monsters in/of contemporary Brazil', Dr Barbara Szaniecki (Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro) and 'The cannibalisation of "Antropofagia" by contemporary indigenous art', Professor Lúcia Sá (University of Manchester). 5 February 2020
Women in the Lusophone World: ‘Brazil, cinema, and misogyny’, Professor Stephanie Dennison (University of Leeds. “Bodies of Resistance: Kuduro, Blackness and the Politics of (In)Visibility on YouTube”, Dr Paulo Pepe (University of Leeds) and ‘Revolutionary Women/Women of the Revolution: of Heroes and Antiheroes’, Dr Maria Tavares (Queen’s University, Belfast). Research seminars and wine reception. 28 November 2018
‘Eu vi um Brasil na TV: um panorama da telenovela brasileira’, Álvaro Cruz (Unicamp, Brazil). Talk in Portuguese followed by wine reception, 4 October 2017
‘Palavras, minhas e tuas’, Theatre workshop in Portuguese with Diana Barnabé, Portuguese actor and stage director. 20-21 March 2017
Symposium: 'Ecocriticism in Times of Crisis: Nature, Capital and Culture in the Hispanic and Lusophone Worlds'. 16-17 June 2016
Launch of the novel "Preia-Mar" by the Goan writer Epitácio Pais with introduction by the editors, Paul Castro (Leeds) and Helder Garmes (USP, Brazil) - 18 May 2016
Screening of the Brazilian documentary short "Babás" (Consuelo Lins, 2010), introduced by Dr Rachel Randall, and followed by the awarding ceremony of the 2016 winner of the Portuguese short-story competition. 27 April 2016
UG Portuguese Studies Showcase evening with a book launch and two research presentations:
Book Launch: A Menina do Fato Amarelo (Chiado Editora, Lisbon), by Ramona Tudosa (Level 3 UG student)
‘Bringing FLIP to the UK: A case study of the marketing of Latin America at FlipSide Festival’, by Anna Silovsky (Level 3 UG student)
“O impacto da Copa do Mundo no Brasil”, by Sean Callaghan (Level 3 UG student), 20 April 2016
'Manifesting Democracy? Politics and the Political in post-2013 Brazil', Dr Maite Conde (University of Cambridge). Talk and Wine Reception, 09 December 2015
'A Lusophone World? Língua: Vidas em Português', Dr Paul Melo e Castro (University of Leeds). Talk and Wine Reception, 01 October 2015
'Cultivating a Revolution, Documenting a Revolution, Seeking a New Revolution: Chronicles of the 25th April Forty Years Later', Dr David Frier (University of Leeds). Talk and Wine Reception, 21 January 2015
'Intervention Songs and Estado Novo: Reckoning', Dr Maria de São José (FCSH/NOVA University). Talk, 26 November 2014
Festa Fusão with Special Guest: Film Director Charlie Inman. Annual Party and Talk followed by a Film Screening at Leeds International Film Festival, 06 November 2014
'Big Short-Films: Portuguese Cinema Today', José António Cunha (European University). Talk, 05 November 2014
'The Two Marias Plus One: Feminism and Difference in New Portuguese Letters and Beyond', Professor Hilary Owen (University of Manchester). Talk, 08 October 2014
'Para quem ver? Brazil on Screen at Home and Abroad', Dr Stephanie Dennison (University of Leeds). Talk, 29 January 2014
'The National Stadium in Lisbon: The Problem Child of Salazar's 1940s Monumental Construction Programme', Dr David Frier (University of Leeds). Talk, 04 December 2013
'Futurist Bodies: Álvaro de Campos and Friends' (in celebration of Fernando Pessoa's 125th birthday), Dr Rhian Atkin (University of Bristol). Talk and Poetry Reading, 28 November 2013
Launch of Fusão, with a Public Lecture: 'Brazil Without Borders: Brasil Sem Fronteiras'. Professor Lúcia Sá (University of Manchester). Talk and Reception, 17 October 2013