Student and alumni profiles

Find out what our current students think about our courses, where our alumni are now and how their experiences at Leeds have helped them in their career.

Name Course Nationality
Minori Iwahashi, BA Film, Photography and Media student Minori Iwahashi BA Film, Photography and Media Japanese
Oliver Martin, BA New Media student (now Digital Media) Oliver Martin BA Digital Media British
Owen Seabrook Owen Seabrook BA Film, Photography and Media British
Patrick Manderson, BA New Media (now Digital Media) student Patrick Manderson BA Digital Media British
Peter Wallis-Tayler, BA Journalism graduate Peter Wallis-Tayler BA Journalism British
Ruri Abe smiling and looking into camera. Ruri Abe BA Film, Photography and Media (Industrial) Japanese
Portrait of Sean Wise Sean Wise BA Journalism British
Portrait of Sophie davies Sophie Davies BA Communication and Media British
Tom Stamp, BA Digital Media student Tom Stamp BA Digital Media British
Will Godley on the Good Morning Britain set smiling Will Godley BA Journalism British
Zahra Clembinston Zahra Clembintson BA Journalism British