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School of Design
School of English
School of Fine Art, History of Art and Cultural Studies
School of History
School of Languages, Cultures and Societies
School of Media and Communication
School of Music
School of Performance and Cultural Industries
School of Philosophy, Religion and History of Science
Institute for Medieval Studies
IDEA: The Ethics Centre
Project title
'Irregular' Art Schools: Methods for Supporting the Professional Development of Learning Disabled Artists
'Shh! Encounters in the Unquiet Library' Seminar Series
'What’s on?' Rethinking class in the television industry
(S)worn State(s)
Abuse in Religious Settings
Accumulation and Empire
Achieving healthy young minds
Acting on the Margins: Arts as Social Sculpture (AMASS)
A Cultural History of Disability in Byzantium, c. 1000-1200
Aesthetic Form & Uneven Modernities
A European AI On Demand Platform and Ecosystem (AI4EU)
Agents of Future Promise: The ideological use of children in culture and politics (Britain and France, c. 1880-c. 1950)
Alone against Secularisation? Gender identity in Anglican and Catholic women (England-Spain, 1960-2015)
Animal Desire: A Theory of Desire and Practical Rationality
Animist Engagements: Creativity, Ecology and Indigeneity. Sadler Seminar Series 2019/20
An Intelligent Simulation Tool Connecting Consumer’s Sensory Requirements on Garment with Fabric Objective Tactile Properties
Antique Dealers: the British Antiques Trade in the 20th Century, a cultural geography
Arctic Encounters
Assessing core language skills at the beginning of secondary school in the Born-in-Bradford cohort
Augmenting the Body: Disability, Care and the Posthuman
Autism in Theology
A zero-sum game? Exploring a both-and approach to biological disorder and religious experience in relation to Christians who experience psychosis and/or mania
Back To Baselines in Circular Fashion and Textiles - Establishing a Baseline to Analyse the Sector’s Sustainability Status
BAT Monitoring via novel Assays and smart Nano-electronics (BATMAN)
Beyond Tomorrow. German Science Fiction and Utopian Thought in the 20th and 21st Century
Bibliotherapy for Refugees and Asylum Seekers
Biofilm Control in Ultra Low Temperature Laundry (BioCULT)
Bradford’s National Museum
Bridging The Gaps: Mixed Reality Performance of Chinese Opera in Rural and Urban Shanghai
Bridging the Gaps: mixed reality performance of Chinese Opera in Shanghai's rural and urban heritage sites
British Romantic Writing and Environmental Catastrophe
Can Professional Institutions Save the World? Climate Change, Ethical Transformation, and the Lessons of History
Centre for Cultural Value
Centre for Hidden Histories
Changing the Story: Building Inclusive Civil Societies with, and for, Young People in 5 Post-Conflict Countries
Characterizing the effects of hearing loss and hearing aids on the neural code for music
Chasing Status: The Sustainability of the Freelance Translation Profession in the United Kingdom
Children's experience, understanding, and use of adjectives across the socioeconomic spectrum
Chinese Theatre
Climate Change, Ethics and Responsibility
Co-creating guidelines for the use Q-BEx for language screening
Co-designing methods with older people to understand the role of digital technologies in social isolation
Co-producing Cultural Policy
Coercive Control: From Literature into Law
Colonial subjects and citizens in the French (Internal) Resistance
Communicating Copyright: An Exploration of Copyright Discourses in the Digital Age
Communicating the Pandemic: Improving Public Communication and Understanding
Communication and Creativity
Community Arts Against Antibiotic Resistance in Nepal (CARAN)
Community documentation of biocultural diversity in the eastern Yemeni province of al-Mahrah
Computational Agent Responsibility
Concentrationary Memories: The Politics of Representation
Concepts of ‘honour’ in Islam and Muslim communities, and their impact on Muslim women: perceptions, praxis and new modalities
Confusing Shadow with Substance
Congruence Engine
Consultancy Ethics
Contested Territories: Latin America
Correspondance générale de Benjamin Constant
Corridor Talk: Conservation Humanities and the Future of Europe’s National Parks
COVID-19: Impacts on the cultural industries and implications for policy
Creating/Curating the Decolonial Classroom
Creative Communities 1750-1830
Crime, Punishment and Colonial Soldiers
Cultural Participation, Stories of success, histories of failure (Failspace)
Cultures of Intelligence: Military Intelligence Services in Germany, GB, and the USA, 1855-1947 (Britain, 1918-1947)
Curating the City Collaboration with Pavilion
Dante and Late Medieval Florence: Theology in Poetry, Practice and Society
Death in Early Modern Venice
Defining Freedom of the Press
Deloneliness (Smart textile for monitoring and help to reduce loneliness)
Dental Histories: Towards a Digital Museum
Developing a Co-Produced, Digital and Living Archive of Learning Disability History
Developing a youth-leadership programme for deaf children in, and beyond, South Africa
Development assistance and independent journalism in Africa and Latin America: a cross-national and multidisciplinary research network
Development of e-Government in Kuwait
Development through the Creative Economy in China, reconnecting M50 creative cluster with Shanghai All-Female Yue Opera.
Dialect and Heritage project
Digital Community Workspaces: delivering impact through public library and archive networks
Digital Data Analysis, Public Engagement and the Social Life of Methods
Digital Explorations: Opening the Medieval Manuscript Fragments from the Ripon Cathedral Library
Digital Library of Chinese Theatre
Digital Tools in the Service of Difficult Heritage: How Recent Research Can Benefit Museums and their Audiences
Documentary Films and Buddhist Performing Arts : innovative ways of engaging with Buddhist teachings and rethinking gender roles in modern Thai Buddhism
Dostoevsky Now
Downsizing: using environmental prompts to understand healthy portion control and appropriate food servings in children, adolescents and caregivers
Early discourse competence in preschool children: An elicitation study
echome: a wearable technology for sound and movement interaction [please note echome is all low fonts]
Eco-criticism in Times of Crisis: Nature, Capital and Culture in the Hispanic and Lusophone Worlds
eCoLoRe / eCoLoTrain / eColoMedia
Electrifying the Country House
Electrifying Women: Understanding the Long History of Women in Engineering.
Elegia renascens: Latin love elegy collections from antiquity to the Renaissance
Emergent Objects
Empowering Women: Co-Producing Histories of Women and Energy in the Home
Engendering East Asia: Conversations on Contemporary Art
Engineering ethics and professionalism
Engineering the Imagination: Disability, Prostheses and the Body
Enhance Music
Environmental Humanities for a Concerned Europe (ENHANCE)
Epistolary Lives and the Making and Re-Making of First World War Archives
EStages.UK. Spanish theatre in United Kingdom (1982-2019)
Ethical Dating Online
EU-MADE4LL - European Multimodal Digital Education for Language Learning
Experiences of Year Abroad in China
Experiments in Land and Society, 1793-1833
Explainable AI (XAI): A Creative Copilot for Interior Designers (131239)
Exploring Diversity in an Interstitial Urban Locale: The LGBTQ Community of Ceuta
Exploring psycholinguistic eye tracking methodologies and data analytic techniques
Exploring the Democratic Role of News Media During Covid-19: Triangulating Digital News Outputs, Journalists’ Professional Reflections, and Audiences’ Experiences in the UK and Germany
Extinction as cultural heritage? Exhibiting human-nature entanglements with extinct and threatened species
Fabulous Femininities: Extravagant Costume and Transformative Thresholds
Family Sagas in World Literatures and Audio-Visual Cultures: Reimagining Nations Across the Globe
Fate and Choice in Edgar Reitz's Heimat
Fatherhood in Britain, c.1914-60
Feminist Horror Cinema
Ferrante Fever in Leeds
Film Costumes in Action
FoodWasteNet - AnthoLip
Fragmented Geographies: Japanese and German Fieldwork on the New Colonial Peripheries of Northeast Asia, 1925-1950
Framing the Lyric Subject Matter: Prose Headings in Italian Books of Poetry (c.1450-c.1650)
Frederic Forster's Mourning Warehouse and the disappearing trade in female mourning wear in Leeds, UK 1849-1923
From Over-Estimation to Under-Estimation: The Trajectory of Political Islam in the MENA Countries
Future Fashion Factory
Gamifying Urban Change: Willingness to Pay as Key to Citizen-Centred Approaches
GCRF Development Awards: The hidden peace-builders
GCRF Sexuality and Religion Network in East Africa
Generic Visuals in the News: the role of stock photos and simple data visualizations in assembling publics
Genetics and Biocolonialism in Contemporary Literature and Film
German Operetta in London and New York, 1907-1939: Cultural Transfer and Transformation
God, Language and Diversity: Spiritual Flourishing in Neurodiverse and Multilingual Communities
God and Human Speech: A Planning Grant in Comparative Science-Engaged Theology
God and the Book of Nature
GPs Reaching Out Work (GROW)
Group thinking: new foundations
Harewood’s Electricity Story
Harold Pinter: Histories and Legacies
Hearing Aids for Music: Exploring the music listening behaviour of people with hearing impairments
Hearts of Oak: Caring for British Woodlands
Hematopolitics: A Comparative Study of Reciprocity and Exclusion in the Blood Economy
Hematopolitics: Blood Donation and Contested Belonging in East Asia
Heritages and Utopias: Possibility Thinking for Living Together
Heritage with and without the State
Hidden Histories of Environmental Science partnership seed fund
Higher Education Academy
Higher Education Funding Council for England (HEFCE) ethical review
Histories of Women in the British Film and Television Industries, 1933-89
Home, Community and Belonging
Home, Crisis and the Imagination
Hope and Homes for Children KTP: Building Accountability to Young People in Youth Focussed Development
How variable is speech, how reliable are single recordings? Assessing the medium-term dynamics of speech through iterative data collection
HSK (Hanyu Shuiping Kaoshi) test taker characteristics, test performance and implications for HSK test constructs
Hugh Davies: Electronic Music Innovator
Identity and Governance of Bodily Extensions: The Case of Prosthetics and Avatars
Imagining Posthuman Care
Imagining Technologies for Disability Futures
Imagining the Place of Home
Immunofluorescence labelling and the exploration of process-led sculpture making
Impact Acceleration Account 2019
Imprecise Probability Models of Rational Belief
Improving Deliberation, Improving Copyright
Improving Deliberation, Improving Copyright (Follow-on Project)
Inclusive Art for Wicked Problems: Innovating Creative Methods for Systems Change with Learning Disabled Artists and Their Facilitators
INCLUsive Digital Economy Network+: Exploring how social and digital environments can be built, shaped and sustained to enable all people to thrive
Inclusive Robotics for a better Society (INBOTS)
Information design for sustainability
Information in Climate Change Adaptation in rural Kenya: a pilot field study
Innovating in Combat: Telecommunications and Intellectual Property in the First World War
Instrumentalising Electronic Sound, 1945-75
Intake (Multifunctional nanocomposite material for hybrid energy harvesting)
Intercultural Communication in Interaction: multimodal approaches
Interdisciplinary Dialogues in Industry and Literature, 1770-1830
International Audience Research Network
International Development and Intellectual Property: The Impact of Seed Exchange and Replacement on Innovation among Small-Scale Farmers in India
In the Wrong Place at the Wrong Time
Investigating and responding to teachers’ beliefs of the integration of variation in Arabic school teaching
Jez Hattosh-Nemeth : ‘Maritimia’ exhibition, ‘Sealine’ performance, ‘Lavernock’ installation
John Cage and the Concert for Piano and Orchestra
John Harper : Broken and Breaking Ground
Lactam based biofilm-ready surfaces with cross-industry applications
Land Lines: British Nature Writing, 1789-2014
Language and Language Use
Language and Nature in Southern and Eastern Arabia
Laughter from the Grassland: Humour and Comedy in Amdo Tibet
Leading Minds
Leeds Animal Studies Network
Leeds Russian Centre
Leeds Voices: Communicating superdiversity in the market
Legacies of War: Culture and the Arts
Les Femmes s'entêtent: Feminism, writing, art and film 1975-2015
Letterpress Printing: Past, Present, Future
Life on the Outskirts: Making Sense of a Creative Life
Lifting the Lid on Bacteria: Designing ambient communications to improve hygiene in primary school toilets
Linguistic diversity and accent bias in Higher Education and beyond
Linked Early Modern Drama Online
LITE Excellence and Innovation fellowship
Literature Project Award 2021
LivingBodiesObjects: Technology and the Spaces of Health
Living with Dying: Everyday Cultures of Dying within Family Life in Britain, c.1900-50
LivItaly: Bringing Italian culture to Yorkshire
Longinus Reunited: On Sublimity in Context
Love Letters and Erotic Letters: Antiquity and Beyond
Magister Mundi? Hermann Hesse's Global Impact
Making the Science(s) of Coal: the changing role of miners and savants, 1660–1880
ManyBabies1: Quantifying sources of variability in infancy research using the infant-directed speech preference
Mapping contemporary art in the heritage experience: Creation, Consumption and Exchange
Mapping New Geographies of Cultural Production in Brazil through Pontos de Cultura
Marginalisation and the Law
Martin Thomas Memorial Art Project
Masculinity through the lens of power and violence in post-WW2 British and French children’s literature
Maternal mortality in East Africa
Media, Conflict and Democratisation (MeCoDEM)
Mediated climate change politics: the epistemology and performance of contested digital truth claims
Medieval history texts in translation
Mediterranean Gypsies
Men, Masculinity and Maternity in Britain, from the 1950s to the Present
Mental Suffering, the Experience of Beauty and Well-Being
Meta-Alethic Expressivism: A New Theory of Thinking and Saying What is True
Meta-Alethic Expressivism: A New Theory of Thinking and Talking about Truth
Middlebrow culture in Europe 20th/21st centuries
Mobilising the Masses: Appeals to Emotion in German Political Writing, 1871–1933
Moving Between The Lines
Moving Mountains: Memory, Identity, and the Geological Imaginary after Landslide Disasters
Mull Transect
MultiLingual Minds and Factors Affecting MultiLingual Outcomes
Music for Girls: Women's Knowledge Cultures of Popular Music
MUSICSTREAM: Music Culture in the Age of Streaming
National Inquiry into Ethical Decision Making in the NHS
Nationalist polarization and the fight over climate change: how nationalism is shaping the politics of climate skeptics and activists in the US and Canada
National Network for Interpreting
Network Plus in Circular Fashion and Textiles – Programme Coordination Team (PCT)
Newcomers in the City: Reading Japanese and Chinese Literary Modernism in the Inter-war Period
New statistical methods to analyse psycholinguistic data
New Uses of Screens in Post-Lockdown Britain
Non-formal education for youth-led change
Of Comradeship and Sisterhood: A Political History of 'Die Gleichheit', 1891-1917
Opening Up the Cecil Roth Collection
Origins of Firepower
Ottoman Pasts, Present Cities: Cosmopolitanism and transcultural memories
Oxford Handbook of the Philosophy of Artificial Intelligence
Parameters & Practice: A Year of Tasks for Creative Collaboration
Participatory tools for human development with the youth
Pas en Avant: Community Integration through Dance-Based Pedagogy in the Lake Chad Region
Pastoral Care, Literary Cure and Religious Dissent: Zones of Freedom in the British Atlantic (c. 1630-1720)
Performance, Politics, Piety
Performing Landscapes: Mountains
Performing the Jewish Archive
Performing Violence
Persons as Animals: Understanding the Animal Bases of Agency, Perceptual Knowledge and Thought
Petrarch Commentary and Exegesis in Renaissance Italy, c.1350-c.1650
Photography and Atrocity
PIN: Postcolonial Intellectuals and their European Publics
Players of Colour: Exploring the subcultural experiences of PoC geeks
Poetical Animals: Aristotle, Anthropology, and Poetry
Polyester Infinity: Carbon Dioxide-based Polyester Dyeing and Recycling in a Textile Circular Economy
Popular Culture Research Network
Post-Work: Framing Labour in Post Industrial Europe
Predictive Analytics, Identities and Cultures of Prevention
Process Automation for Localisation of Dialogue in Entertainment Media (PALODIEM)
Professionalism in Banking
Promoting language development via shared reading
Psychopathology and religious experience: could someone be experiencing a mental illness and having a religious experience at one and the same time?
Public Service Media in the Age of Platforms (PSM-AP)
Pulling a thread: Unravelling the trail of modern slavery in the fashion and textile industry
Quanticode and the Ethics of Data Analytics
Quantifying bilingual language experience: Optimising tools for educators, clinicians and researchers
Re-archiving the Individual: British Army Officers, 1790-1820
Re-emergence 2012
Re-imagining Relationships with Urban Nature
Real Integrity Project
Referential communication and executive function skills in bilingual children
Reform and Clerical Authority: Comparative Perspectives, c. 1000-1200
Reimagining a True Social Order
Rejuvenation Research
Religion and Extinction Network
Remembering what matters': Nature, culture and autism
Representation of transnational human trafficking in present-day news media, true crime, and fiction
Representing Postcolonial Disaster: Conflict, Consumption, Reconstruction
Reproducing Renaissance Drama
Research Project template
Rethinking Holocaust Literature: Contexts, Canons, Circulations
Rethinking Patent Cultures
Revolutionising Waterless Textile Dyeing
Romain (Robotic inspection and repair of wind turbine composite blade)
Routes to Content
Sacred Queer Stories: The Ugandan LGBT Refugees Life Story Project
Safeguarding minoritised languages in a global world: protecting and promoting the Galician language.
Saudi Chambers of Commerce and Industry Project
Science-engaged theology
Science for the People: Popular Print and the Making of the Victorian World
Scientific Realism and the Quantum
Scientific realism reinvigorated: How to think about scientific progress and knowledge in the 21st century
Screening European Heritage: History on Film, the Heritage Industry and Cultural Policy
Security Consultancy
Seismic Cities
Sex and the Sacred: Queering Black Performing Arts in Cape Town, South Africa
Sexuality and Religion Network in East Africa
Signs beyond borders: Meaning-making across sign and spoken languages
Site and Smell: an immersive performance of olfactory-spatial memory
Skipton’s First World War Prisoner-of-War Camp
Smart Multifunctional textile with printed electronics to promote healthy ageing in musculoskeletal conditions
Social Choreography Network
Social Distancing and Development
Social Issues in Primetime Television: Production Processes and Audience Responses
Social Photography Research Group
Soft Power, Cinema and the BRICS
Soldiers and soldiering in Britain, c.1750 to 1815
Sounds from the Bunker: aural culture and the remainder of the Cold War
Space of Place
SPARKLE: Sustaining Practice Assets for Research, Knowledge, Learning and Engagement
Speaker identity in metaphor processing
Spectacular Subjects: Modernism, Gender and Visuality in Interwar Japan
Speech tempo perception and missing sounds
Spoken Language, Standards and Inequality in Schools
Staging China
Stigma and Shame? Challenging Menstrual Taboo Through Time
STOP fibrous microplastic pollution from textiles by elucidating fibre damage and manufacturing novel textiles
Strangers: Migration and Multilingualism in Early Modern London
Strike Stories - Opening the archives on the miners' strike 1984-85
St Vincent and the Grenadines code of ethics
Sudan revolution archive: songs, chants and poems of the 2019 Sudanese revolution
Suicide Voices: Narratives of Trauma in the Globalised Workplace
Suicide Voices: Neoliberal Globalisation and Workplace Trauma
Sumak Kawsay and the Sustainable Development Agenda: Critical Debates and Creative Responses from a Latin American Indigenous Perspective
Syllables, segments and how to measure speech tempo: Evidence from listening experiments
Tackling antimicroibal resistance (AMR) in schools
Tales of Sexuality and Faith: The Ugandan LGBT Refugee Life Story Project
Talking about things
Theatricality and Interrelations between Art, Film and Theatre
The Bantu-Romance connection
The Buddhist Retreat Project: Tracing the contours of the sacred and secular in contemporary British Buddhism
The Business of Fashion, Textiles and Technology Collaborative R&D Partnership
The Cambridge Edition of the Works of Ben Jonson
The circulation of Spanish books and their impact on English drama, 1604–1625
The Complete Works of John Marston
The Cultural Life of Money and Finance
The Dissenting Atlantic: Archives and Unquiet Libraries, 1776-1865
The Documentation and Ethnolinguistic Analysis of Modern South Arabian
The Effect of Literary Genre on Authorial Style: A Computational Stylistics Analysis of English Renaissance Plays, Poems, and Narrative Prose
The Error Network
The Ethics of Medical Photography: Past, Present, and Future
The Extinction Network
The Family Archive: Exploring Family Identities, Memories and Stories Through Curated Personal Possessions
The Garden of Forking Paths: material-indeterminacy driving open-form composition for clarinets
The Hercules Project: A hero for all ages
The Hidden Peacebuilders Network
The idea, context, framing and realities of 'Sikh radicalisation' in Britain
The Impact of Covid-19 on Key Learning and Education (ICKLE)
The impact of information design on improving obesity prevention among university students
The Inner Music and Wellbeing Network
The Joust as Performance: Pas d’armes and Late Medieval Chivalry
The Midsomer Norton Dig Project
The Nature of Representation
The Northern Network for Medical Humanities Research (NNMHR)
The Operas of Thomas Adès
The Other City: Social Exclusion and Care in Urban Japan
The Other From Within: Indian Anthropologists and the Birth of the Nation
The PAR3TY project - PAR3 for Teens and Young Adults Living with Cancer
The phonetics and phonology of Modern South Arabian: Mehri and Shehret
The politics of religious infrastructure: Christian and Muslim urban worlds in Africa
The politics of religious infrastructure: Christian and Muslim urban worlds in Africa
The Professional Career and Output of Trevor Jones
The Reception of Apuleius' Cupid and Psyche
The risks of childbirth in historical perspective (2016-2018)
The Role of Collections and Archives in Art Practice
The Sacred Landscapes of Medieval Monasteries: An inter-disciplinary study of meaning embedded in space and production
The Senses and the Meanings of Modernity in East Asia
The Sheridan Project
The Shiloh Project
The Society of Authors, 1884-1914: Professional Association and Literary Property
The State of Science: Governing Knowledge of Nature in Victorian Britain
The Survivor Group: countering stigma and isolation among Boko Haram survivors through community storytelling
The Thomas Nashe Project
The Tim Hetherington collection and conflict imagery network
The Transcultural Fantastic
The uses of the past: History and social memory in Northern Ireland 1980-20
The Weight of the Past in Franco-British Relations
The Western Indian Ocean in the First Millennium CE
The Woman Reader Project
The Year of the Dealer
Transforming the Cultural & Heritage Sector’s Data Infrastructure: A pilot study to establish a cultural data observatory
Transnational Holocaust Memory
Trials Engagement in Children and Adolescents (TRECA)
Troubling the National Brand and Voicing Hidden Histories: Historical Drama as a tool for International Development and Community Empowerment
UK-China Song of the Female Textile Workers: past, present and the future
Uncoupling Heteropatriarchy in African Feminism: Unmarried Women and Indigenous Knowledges of Gender and Sexuality among the Shona of Zimbabwe
Unheard Voices: The Poetry of the Gallipoli Campaign
Using digital tools in heritage
Using Digital Tools to Challenge Xenophobia and Support International Development in South Africa
Using Film to Examine Heritage, Identity and Global Citizenship: supporting the work of the Bautzen Memorial to Engage New Audiences
US Slavery and Yorkshire Anti-Slavery: Forgotten Narratives from the Leeds Archive
Virtual Holocaust Memoryscapes
Visualising the UK General Election 2015 TV Debates
Vital Circulations: A framework for understanding social dynamics in and beyond a pandemic
Vital Circulations: Bodily Fluids in Bioeconomy
Weaving Codes, Coding Weaves
Weaving with Stones
What is History on Film? The Case of Italian Cinema 1911-2010
Whose Voices?
William Shakespeare and Tang Xianzu: celebrating a 400 year legacy
Women, Ageing and Machine Learning on Screen
Work-related Suicide. An International Social Justice Analysis
Writing the Revolution. The Construction of '1968' in Germany
Yemen in Conflict: Popular literary heritage as expression of conflict and tool for conflict resolution
‘Self-worth as a community asset: co- authoring burlesque’s protected and deregulated spaces as good practice’
“Reading to Learn” – cognitive processes involved in learning Chinese characters
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