Research project
Gamifying Urban Change: Willingness to Pay as Key to Citizen-Centred Approaches
- Start date: 6 January 2025
- End date: 31 December 2025
- Funder: DARe Flex Fund – UKRI (EPSRC)
- Primary investigator: Dr Alessia Grassi
- External co-investigators: Professor Mauro Vallati – University of Huddersfield
The project will define willingness to pay in the context of neighbourhoods’ transport and mobility through gamification, and will co-design solutions to address climate change and improve sustainability. To foster an inclusive co-designing approach, the project will take an interpretivism stance allowing a deeper insight into stakeholders’ perspectives.
Neighbourhoods sustainability is increasingly receiving worldwide interest due to its representative scale of the relationship between individuals and cities. The neighbourhood strikes an excellent balance between the potential for impact and the possibility to personalise and humanise actions and costs for the residents. Residents can relate to the neighbourhood and everyday life, hence measures and actions proposed are more concrete and realistic – and their impact and the willingness to pay more on the point. Residents feel responsible of their neighbourhood and community and are more invested in identifying impactful solutions that eventually could be implemented on a larger scale.
Adopting an interpretivist approach, this project recognizes that neighbourhood improvement is a matter of personal interest for citizens. This perspective views knowledge as subjective, shaped by individual experiences and cultural context. By employing a multi-method approach, aligned with inductive theory development, we will gain in-depth insights into citizen behaviour and attitudes towards willingness to pay for sustainable transport and climate change resilience. This will inform the co-creation of gamified solutions that resonate with our target audience.