Centre for Cultural Policy & Leadership

Centre for Cultural Policy and Leadership

The Centre for Cultural Policy and Leadership aims to explore, generate and share research on the overlapping areas of cultural policy and cultural leadership, bringing a critical perspective to both and exploring the dynamics of their relationship. It seeks to bring people together who share an intellectual and professional interest in everything connected to cultural policy and leadership and how these practices impact on cultural sectors, civic spaces and wider society.

Through our research and debate we ask fundamental questions around how and why culture is defined, shaped, organised, preserved, developed and privileged.

We question whose culture is included in policy and leadership discourse, and what are the patterns of power and influence that surround it. The Centre builds on existing research strengths in PCI and recognises the international relevance of these cross-disciplinary academic fields.

PCI Staff Members

Alice Borchi

Hugh Brown

Ruth Daly

Steve Dobson

Sarah Feinstein

Leila Jancovich

Haili Ma

Emma McDowell

Jonathan Pitches

Jon Price (Centre Co-ordinator)

Ben Walmsley

Jonathan Ward

Xunnan Li 

PGR Members Alice Chandler  Yaxin Luo Chunyi Wu Qianyu Wang
  Ava Podgorski  Lizzie Ridley     


Other Schools  Liz Stainforth (FAHACS)  Martin Zebracki (Geography).Dibyadyuti Roy (FAHACS)  David Hesmondhalgh (School of Media & Communication)