Visiting scholars

If you are a professional or an academic, and you have a scheme of academic research that you can appropriately conduct at the School of Performance and Cultural Industries, then our visiting scholar programme may be a perfect opportunity for you.
Generally, our visiting scholars are full-time members of staff at another university. We encourage applications from established and early career scholars. We normally limit visits to semester one or semester two but you can also arrange a visit for a period of weeks, or one year.
Our visiting scholars participate in our academic life as much as possible, for example, engaging in discussions or joint projects with School members and presenting papers about their own research within the School’s seminar programme. Full details of our Research Centres can be found on the left-hand side of the page.
There is usually a bench fee of £2,000 per year (or according to the period of your visit), to be reviewed periodically. The fee gives you access to the following facilities:
- Computing: facilities are available through open clusters across the University campus
- Library: Leeds University Library is one of the major academic research libraries of the UK, with a stock of over 2.8 million and 500,000 online books, and more than 37,000 print and online journals.
- Class attendance: you may attend a class on a non-credit, unregistered basis subject to the consent of the Centre member teaching the course.
- Accommodation: the University may be able to assist visiting scholars with university housing during the summer months.
As a Visiting Scholar, you will become part of a close academic community. We recognise you will wish to concentrate on your own specialist research, but we also assure you that you won't be left in academic or social isolation.
Above all, the School is a cooperative and friendly unit. We also offer the usual facilities of a staff common room with access to food, retail and leisure facilities just minutes from its front door.
How to apply
Applications and enquiries should be submitted to the academic collaborator you have identified with the School of Performance and Cultural Industries. Applications should include the following documents:
Covering letter (more than 500 words), which should include:
- Research topic
- Period of study
- Financial situation (self-supported or government sponsored)
Research Proposal
A summary of your proposed research, including purpose, methodology, and likely publications
CV, which should include:
- Applicant name, address, telephone, email
- Citizenship, date of birth, place of birth
- Current post, with details of your education, employment, and publication record
Letter of reference
We require preferably two references from your current head of department and your employer. Please submit your letter of reference along with this application. If that is not possible, please ask your referee to email the above address directly.
Applicants should supply evidence of degree qualifications and, if appropriate, English Language ability.