Talor Clarke
- Course: MA Film, Photography & Media
- Year of graduation: 2017
- Nationality: British
- Job title: Gallery Consultant
Why did you choose to study your Masters at the University of Leeds?
The merit of the University in UK and World rankings made me strive to become a part of it and I’m very thankful I did. I liked that the course was evenly weighted theoretically and practically, because although I wanted to create, I also wanted to learn and be challenged. In addition, when I was thinking of applying nobody I spoke to about Leeds had a bad word to say about the university or the city, which was very lovely.
I never thought I would attend university, let alone come away with a Masters degree. I changed so much from my first day at Leeds to graduating over four years later, and I’m so thankful for this. University, for me, has been so much more than just the academic side of things, I’ve grown so much, and my experiences and challenges have been so character building. I’ve learnt so much about myself and have come away a stronger, happier, and more engaged individual.
I’d also like to add that I none of this would have been possible without the help and support of the amazing staff at the School of Media and Communication. In particular, Jim Brogden, Simon Popple, Tracey Mollet, and Stephen Hay – these people made my experience what it was and I am eternally grateful to them for their support, enthusiasm, dedication, and guidance. Thank you!
Tell us about the opportunities you took advantage of at Leeds.
I danced in my undergraduate for three years with Freestyle dance society and was a committee member for a year. I also took advantage of a lot of the extra seminars and talks that happened in other departments, particularly the philosophy department.
How has your experience of studying a Masters helped you in your career?
Leeds has taught me that if I work hard at something and put my mind to it I can achieve anything. I’m incredibly proud of what I have accomplished at Leeds, it wasn’t easy, but resilience and perseverance do pay off. The most valuable skillset I developed at Leeds was certainly communication; it’s helped me enormously with what I do now which requires me to be incredibly articulate and confident when discussing artwork and commissions with clients.
What advice would you give to future students?
If you’re thinking about it, just do it. You won’t regret it. It’s such a productive way to spend your time and it will challenge your creativity and critical thinking a treat. I would encourage students to go in with an open-mind and have an attitude of “let’s see what I can achieve” – like with all things in life, you get out what you put in, so be prepared to push yourself and believe in yourself and your abilities. Also, number one tip, go and speak to staff! They have such a wealth of experience and knowledge and they’re always happy to chat and help, it’s so useful having them there to bounce ideas and concerns off.