Translation tests
You may need to complete a translation test(s) as part of your application to the following Masters and Postgraduate Diploma courses which contain specialised translation modules as part of the course:
MA Applied Translation Studies
MA Arabic/English Translation
MA Audiovisual Translation and Localisation
MA Conference Interpreting and Translation Studies
PGDip Conference Interpreting
MA Business and Public Service Interpreting and Translation Studies
MA Professional Language and Intercultural Studies
Please download the tests relevant to the language combination(s) you wish to study and follow the instructions on the declaration page. You may need to submit a translation for each language combination you wish to study and in each direction you wish to study.
Please ensure that you sign and complete each declaration form to confirm that the translations are your own work. You may use dictionaries to help you with your translation. Your test should be uploaded as part of your application when you apply online, please upload them in the supporting documentation section.
A sample list of available modules in specialised translation can be found by selecting the relevant course link in our Selected Taught Postgraduate Programme Index.