Centre for Aesthetic, Moral and Political Philosophy

Research seminars are held during term-time. Full details are listed on the School events listings.
Events held between 2023 and 2024
- March 2023: ‘Workshop on New Work on Duties to Rescue: Pummer’s The Rules of Rescue and Frowe’s Help: The Ethics of Rescue’ with Helen Frowe (Stockholm), Theron Pummer (St Andrews), Joseph Bowen (Leeds), Mollie Gerver (Kings), James Goodrich (UW-Madison), Kim Ferzan (U. Penn), Gerald Lang (Leeds), Brian McElwee (Southampton), Jonathan Parry (LSE), and Charlotte Unruh (Oxford): https://joseph-bowen.weebly.com/new-work-in-duties-to-rescue-workshop.html
- May 2023: ‘Personal Relationships and the Normative Landscape Conference’ with Cathy Mason, Paloma Morales, Mark Schroeder, and Justin Snedegar: https://ahc.leeds.ac.uk/philosophy/events/event/2763/conference-personal-relationships-and-the-normative-landscape
- May 2023: ‘The Mangoletsi-Potts Lectures 2023: When things get personal’ with Mark Schroeder: https://ahc.leeds.ac.uk/arts-humanities-cultures/events/event/2724/the-mangoletsi-potts-lectures-2023-when-things-get-personal-lecture-1
- June 2024: ‘Ethics Workshop’ with Jessica Isserow, Gerald Lang, and Adrienne Martin.
- June 2024: The Heart of Ethics: The Role of Emotions in Value Theory Conference, with Alba Curry, Adrienne Martin, Julia Mosquera, and Sara Protasi: https://www.jessicaisserow.com/emotions-conference.html
Semester 2, 2019/20
Feb 5 Christine Tiefensee (Frankfurt School of Finance and Management)
Feb 6 A workshop on the Metasemantics of Normative Discourse
Feb 12 Christian Schemmel (Manchester) [Joint seminar with the Contemporary Political Theory group]
Feb 19 Thomas Sinclair (Oxford)
Feb 26 Andreas Bruns (Leeds)
March 11 Daniel Elstein (Leeds)
March 18 Elizabeth Kahn (Durham) [Joint seminar with the Contemporary Political Theory group]
March 25 Richard Rowland (Leeds)
April 29 Ludovica Adamo (Leeds)
May 6 Jessica Isserow (Leeds)
Other events
In May 2016, we hosted the annual public Mangoletsi Lectures, by Rae Langton (Cambridge) on the theme of 'Doing and Undoing Things with Words'. We have also organised two major international conferences, ‘The Moral Significance of Intentions’ (June 2014) and ‘Themes from the Ethics of Bernard Williams’ (July 2009). The latter conference led to a volume of articles, Luck, Value, and Commitment: Themes from the Ethics of Bernard Williams (ed. Ulrike Heuer and Gerald Lang, Oxford University Press 2012).
In addition to the ongoing research seminar, we have also organised or supported numerous other workshops and conferences:
- New Approaches to Moral Error Theory (03/2019)
- Morality and Rationality Revisited (09/2018);
- Love Etc. (09/2017);
- Midsummer Philosophy Workshop (06/2017);
- Animals and Death (09/2016);
- Dimensions of Luck (06/2015);
- The Moral Significance of Intentions (02/2014);
- Normative Disagreement (11/2012);
- Intentions (06/2012);
- Theoretical and Practical Reasons (06/2010);
- Value Concepts (03/2010);
- Naturalism: Ethical and Metaphysical (09/2009);
- Deference and Responsibility (05/2009);
- Reasons and Values (05/2008)