Amy Wardle
- Course: BA English Literature
What made you want to study your course at the University?
For me there was never an alternative path but to go on to study at University: whether that was science or the humanities was the only question! I chose my course because I believe that in studying literature you are studying everything: history, science, art – it sees the expression of the human condition.
Describe the aspects of the course that you have enjoyed the most.
My dissertation truly allowed me the freedom to explore topics I had always been interested in. It would have been impossible to do so to such depth without the help from the University's libraries and resources; the encouragement of the staff at Leeds in seminars, lectures and also reading groups which I was warmly welcomed to engage with.
More than this, the societies at the University of Leeds have ensured that I developed skills that I never would have been able to anywhere else: from my practice of yoga, to climbing and caving.
What are you planning to do once you graduate?
I am hoping to gain experience through volunteering in conservation and the arts and hopefully working in education, with aims to complete a Forest School teaching qualification before moving on to study a Masters.