Conference: The Radical North, 1779-1914

A Symposium in Memory of Professor Malcom Chase

Northern History journal, with the support of the School of History, University of Leeds and the Social History Society, is organising a symposium to celebrate the life and work of Professor Malcolm Chase, author of many important works on British popular radicalism and labour history including Chartism: A New History (Manchester University Press, 2007) and 1820: Disorder and Stability in the United Kingdom (Manchester University Press, 2013).

The event will include panels presenting original research in fields relating to Malcolm’s interests and a round-table discussion of the significance of Malcolm’s work and future directions in the field.

Confirmed speakers

Professor Katrina Navickas (University of Hertfordshire)

Professor Robert Poole (University of Central Lancashire, emeritus)

Dr Matthew Roberts (Sheffield Hallam University)

The call for papers has now closed. The full programe will be announced in due course.


Registration will open in due course.

Blue plaque for the Northern Star

The symposium is timed to coincide with the Leeds Civic Trust’s unveiling of a blue plaque commemorating the Chartist newspaper Northern Star on Saturday 30 November. This was a cause that Malcolm had championed, and we hope that as many delegates as possible will stay on to participate in the programme of events around the unveiling.