Northern History

Northern History publishes scholarly work on the history of the seven historic counties of northern England - Cheshire, Cumberland, Durham, Lancashire, Northumberland, Westmorland and Yorkshire - as well as the borders, from Roman times to the 21st century. It supports research into the north's fascinating history, explores broader historical debates through the prism of the north, and situates the region's distinct people and places in wider historical contexts.
Two issues are published per year, in March and September. The easiest way to access Northern History is through our publisher’s website which holds every issue of the journal. Please follow us on Twitter at @NorthernHist for updates on new issues, articles, and reviews.
Gordon Forster Essay Prize
The journal runs the annual Gordon Forster Essay Prize, which is open to graduate students and early-career researchers. A prize of £200 is awarded for the winning essay, which is also considered for publication in the journal. The inaugural Prize was awarded in 2019.
The next deadline for the competition is 1 March 2025. See the journal website for more details and submission guidance.
2022 winners
Jesse Harrington: ‘Henry of Huntingdon, Ralph Nowell, and the York Archiepiscopal Succession of 1140’.
Editorial Board
Editorial Advisory Board
- Dr Joan Allen (University of Newcastle, UK)
- Dr Paul S Barnwell (University of Oxford, UK)
- Dr Gill Cookson
- Professor Claire Cross (University of York, UK)
- Dr Laura Flannigan (University of Oxford, UK)
- Dr Jonathan Healey (University of Oxford, UK)
- Professor R W Hoyle (University of Reading, UK)
- Dr Andy King (University of Southampton, UK)
- Dr Laura King
- Dr C P Lewis (Institute of Historical Research, University of London, UK)
- Dr Máirín MacCarron (University College Cork, IE)
- Professor Seán McLoughlin
- Professor Katrina Navickas (University of Hertfordshire, UK)
- Dr Diana Newton (Independent Scholar, West Kirby, UK)
- Dr Thomas Pickles (University of Chester, UK)
- Dr Katherine D.B. Rawling
- Professor Tim Thornton (University of Huddersfield, UK)
- Professor A J L Winchester (University of Lancaster, UK)
- Professor Barbara Yorke (University of Winchester, UK)
Contact Us
Twitter/X: @northernhist
Address: School of History, Michael Sadler Building, University of Leeds, Woodhouse Lane, Leeds, UK, LS2 9JT