Professor Malcolm Chase appreciated in article on Chartist Studies

The contribution of the late Professor Chase to the field of Chartist Studies has been surveyed in a new article in a leading historical journal.
The article, ‘Chartist Studies and Malcolm Chase: A Re-appreciation’, by Professor Katrina Navickas of the University of Hertfordshire, has been published open access in the English Historical Review, volume 138 issue 592, June 2023, pp. 410-27.
Professor Malcolm Chase was one of the pre-eminent scholars of 19th century Britain, and leaves a huge legacy in historical research. This article surveys the major impact of his work.
Professor Chase’s death in 2020 was marked by an obituary in The Guardian newspaper. He is remembered fondly by Dr Elisa Cox, who began her postgraduate studies with Malcolm, and who has now gained her PhD.
She recalls that “Malcolm was supportive, kind and witty, and unfailingly generous with his time and expertise. He found numerous ways to share his enthusiasm for Chartism with others. I would love to be able to tell him all about my now completed research which he did so much to guide and encourage.”