PRiA projects
Developing Criticality in Academic Writing: when signposting isn’t enough
Project leaders
Kashmir Kaur; Dr Clare Wright
Project description
This project will enhance a deeper understanding and use of criticality in students’ writing. It will also support colleagues to provide formative feedback on criticality in essay-type assignments. The plan is to develop a ‘criticality toolkit’, in partnership with students, by: (1) reviewing the student (and tutor) journeys through formative feedback on criticality as currently established; (2) creating an easy-to-use 'criticality toolkit' as a basic framework (that can be made more discipline-targeted as required), to better support tutors in giving feedback to improve criticality, and to enable students to act on the feedback and apply criticality in their work; and (3) rolling out wider awareness of education affordances generated by the proposed 'criticality toolkit' and maximise its efficiency.