PRiA projects
Productive Uncertainty in Research-based Learning: cultivating 'growth mindsets' and investigative creativities
Project lead
Dr Helen Iball, School of English
Project summary
This project will build upon bespoke tools and strategies developed for the 'Practical Essay' Final Year Project on BA(Hons) English Literature and Theatre Studies.
Recognising the wider relevance of co-created education, dialogic pedagogies and collaborative creativities, that are inherent to Theatre and Performance Studies, the project will focus on the interdisciplinary reach and potential transferability of these resources, both to other Schools within the University and to the wider world of work/life.
This will be undertaken in dialogue with a wider educational context, specifically via presentations to the BERA (British Educational Research Association) Special Interest Group 'Creativities in Education'.
The project will work from these informed perspectives towards a feasible model for transferability that might include more blended and peer-facilitated learning.