EU-MADE4LL - European Multimodal Digital Education for Language Learning



Partners and collaborators

University of Messina (Italy), University of Aarhus (Denmark), University of Hannover (Germany), University of Florence (Italy), University of Tor Vergata (Italy), RoccaCreativeThinking Ltd (UK)


Digital literacy and proficiency in English for international communication are essential requirements for graduates’ access to today’s European labour market.

While the two are often held separate in higher education curricula, there is a strong need for designing courses that integrate abilities for the creation and critical interpretation of multimodal digital texts in English, such as weblogs, websites, CVs, corporate and user-generated videos, and video-based interactions.

The project aims to design, implement and test a transnational joint syllabus that integrates multimodal digital literacy and English for international communication. It will also produce data to develop a Common Framework of Reference for Digital Literacy (CFRDiL).

Publications and outputs

Adami, E. (2018). Styling the self online: Semiotic technologization in weblog publishing. Social Semiotics. 28/5 601-622 

Project website