Support and community

As a postgraduate student in the School of History, you will join a large community of students and staff, passionate about the study of History. We're keen to ensure that you have a fully enhanced student experience and encourage you to engage with activities and opportunities outside of your studies.
Research culture
Our regular seminar series run throughout the year and are a great opportunity to expand your knowledge of history from across all periods, areas and topics. Papers are presented by research students and academics from our own School as well as visitors from around the world. Recent topics have included American, Renaissance and Early Modern History, Modern Economic and Social History, Military and South Asian History. The seminars are also a fantastic opportunity to network with other postgraduates and academics from the School.
As a postgraduate student, you'll also have the opportunity to be actively involved in our research groups.
Postgraduate community
You can also choose to join our Historians' Workshop which involves a group of postgraduate students in the School who meet regularly to present papers, discuss work and share ideas.
We also organise an annual trip to a White Rose Postgraduate Conference, combining students from Leeds, York and Sheffield.
At the end of the first semester, students from Masters courses across the School come together to explore the nature and techniques of historical research in a two-day conference where you'll have the chance to present a paper outlining your dissertation project.
Interconnections is exclusively for postgraduates in the Faculty of Arts, Humanities and Cultures and aims to create spaces where you can meet, relax and develop friendships across different disciplines through a series of social and cultural events.
History Society
The History Society runs many social events and frequently books out a room and bar. As part of the Society you can attend day trips to places of historical interest and join the annual summer holiday to cities such as Amsterdam, Prague and Krakow. The Society also presents film nights and a Christmas Ball, in addition to offering numerous sports teams including 5 and 11 a-side football, netball and rugby. The Society also provides financial support to members who wish to establish new teams in any sport.
Lifelong Learning Centre
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The Lifelong Learning Centre provides support for mature and part-time learners across the University, including advice on how to apply to university and support throughout your studies.
Jessica Mifsud- Bonnici MA Social and Cultural History
I would suggest that all students join the History Society, it really helped me feel a part of the history community. I also helped to run the MA Dissertation Conference, wherein all MA history students present their paper in front of the staff and peers. This gave me experience in event organisation which has been really helpful on my CV.View Profile