Spring-Summer 2019 research seminar schedule
A full programme of upcoming research seminars exploring contemporary ethical issues and applied philosophy.
Paper published by Natasha McKeever: 'Can a Woman Rape a Man and Why Does it Matter?'
Dr Natasha McKeever has published the paper: 'Can a Woman Rape a Man and Why Does It Matter?'
'Error and the Limits of Quasi-Realism', paper published by Graham Bex-Priestley
IDEA Centre Lecturer Graham Bex-Priestley has published the paper: 'Error and the Limits of Quasi-Realism,' Ethical Theory and Moral Practice.
Dr Mueller elected Turing Fellow and publishes edited "Philosophy and theory of artificial intelligence"
Dr Vincent C. Mueller has been elected a 'Turing Fellow' at the Alan Turing Institute, London
"AI4EU" - Dr Mueller part of successful EU artificial intelligence grant
Dr Vincent C. Mueller, together with Professor Anthony Cohn (Engineering), are part of the new H2020 project: AI4EU "A European AI On Demand Platform and Ecosystem"