
Results 51 to 55 of 252 in School of Philosophy, Religion and History of Science

A portrait photograph of Cee Swakamisa

Cee Swakamisa has been elected a Fellow of the Royal Society for the Encouragement of Arts, Manufactures and Commerce (RSA) for his contributions to social progress and development.

Parkinson Building

Philosophy, Religion and History of Science celebrates winning the School of the Year award as well as the recognition of two of our students at the Arts, Humanities and Cultures Partnership Awards.

Lecture being delivered with archives in the foreground

This free online course offers an introduction to the History and Philosophy of Science.

Michael Sadler building

The man in the monkey nut coat: how a 1940s scientist made ‘vegan wool’ from peanuts explores the extraordinary life of William Astbury, a pioneer of genetics, fashion, and animal welfare.


Centre is dedicated to deepening our understanding of the nature and significance of intimacy, how relationships may be supported by technology, social institutions and the state.