
Results 61 to 65 of 175 in School of Performance and Cultural Industries

Professor Jonathan Pitches

Professor Jonathan Pitches can add Farsi to the growing list of languages that his book, Vsevolod Meyerhold, has been translated into.

imagining otherwise

Dr Aylwyn Walsh has been successfully awarded a Network Plus small grant for impact related activity for a short sharp intervention across two provinces in South Africa in Changing The Story.

Orange horse productions

Six alumni from our Masters programmes have found recent success representing Leeds and the local area with theatre company Orange Horse Productions.


Building on her work done in the AHRC Failspace project, Dr Leila Jancovich has been awarded £100,000 follow-on funding for her research on failure.

A blank background with text that says "The Big Leeds Conversation".

The University's draft values framework is ready for all staff, students and postgraduate researchers to review. Have your say before the survey closes on Friday 12 November.