AIMES success in Sadler Seminars 2018-19
Congratulations to Dr Fozia Bora on her successful application for the Sadler Seminar Series on ‘Creating/Curating the Decolonial Classroom’ in 2018-19.
Dr Sameh Hanna Soliman's - new article published
Our warmest congratulations to Dr Hanna on his recently published paper: Knowledge Production and Identity Formation in Two Arabic Translations of the Bible.
Dr Hendrik Kraetzschmar - new co-edited volume
Congratulations to Dr Kraetzschmar on the publication of his co-edited volume with Paola Rivetti.
AIIC Professional Standards and Ethics for Interpreters
AIIC Professional Standards and Ethics for Interpreters
Dr Thea Pitman's work linked to Leeds International Festival
The festival includes a film screening and photography exhibition that features a project closely linked to work by Thea Pitman. The screening is on Saturday, 28 April, 7-9pm, in Duke Studios.