
Results 136 to 140 of 314 in School of Languages, Cultures and Societies

Colourful arches in an Arabic country

The reference book edited by Sameh Hanna, Hanem El-Farahaty, and Abdel-Wahab Khalifa has been published by Routledge.

Black and white portrait of man with head in hands denoting despair

Professor Sarah Waters calls for recognition and monitoring of work-related suicides in the UK.

Portrait photo of Professor Diana Holmes of LCS

Di Holmes has been awarded the highly prestigious MLA of America’s Aldo and Jeanne Scaglione Prize.

Presenting group of academics sit on stage in front of film premiere still. Permission granted for this piece - do not use elsewhere.

Saturday 16 November 2020 saw the world premiere of the film The Fire of Olympus, held in the University of Leeds' Clothworkers Centenary Concert Hall.

British Association of Teachers of Arabic relaunch

Professor El-Mustapha Lahlali successfully relaunches the association focussing on Arabic language and culture.