
Results 41 to 45 of 306 in School of Languages, Cultures and Societies

A yellow bicycle in front of the Berlin Wall. 
Picture free to use via Unsplash/Yc Liao

A call for papers for a University of Leeds conference examining the continuing impact of the Wende in German culture has been issued.

Sarah Waters

Professor Sarah Waters says suicide should not be reduced to a mental health problem - and is lobbying the HSE for change.

Parkinson building

We’re really pleased to announce that two outstanding staff from the Faculty of Arts, Humanities and Cultures have been announced as winners in the University of Leeds Teaching Awards 2022.

Natalia V Parker

A book by final year PhD researcher Natalia V. Parker has been nominated for the 2022 AATSEEL (American Association of Teachers of Slavic and East European Languages) Book Award in Linguistics and Language Pedagogy.

Telma Tvon

The School of Languages, Cultures and Societies recently hosted a visit for two rap musicians and social activists from Lisbon and Madrid.