LUU Medieval Society 2018-19: a year in review
The LUU Medieval Society hosted diverse and exciting events in 2018-19, including multiple day trips, film screenings, a game night, and a guest lecture.
IMS alumni lead on Athens Medieval Culture and War Conference
The Athens Medieval Culture and War Conference, held from 27-29 June 2019, includes University of Leeds IMS alumni on the Steering Committee; the programme is finalised and registration is open.
Medieval Group events 2018-19: a year in review
The Medieval Group hosted numerous events in 2018-19, including a workshop, lectures, and a field-trip, and invited speakers from diverse disciplines and research perspectives.
IMS Leverhulme Fellow co-organises workshop on letter writing in the Middle Ages
Thomas W. Smith, IMS Leverhulme Early Career Fellow, is co-organising a one-day workshop at King's College London on 20 June about medieval epistolary culture; the registration deadline is 17 June.
IMS Contesting Medieval Masculinities workshop success
The IMS workshop 'Contesting Medieval Masculinities', held 17 May 2019, was a great success and included a variety of papers from undergraduate, postgraduate, early-career, and established scholars.