July 2019 IMS Graduation

The IMS celebrated with a total of six IMS PhD graduates on 15 July 2019 after the graduation ceremony: congratulations to the recent graduates!
Six IMS PhD candidates graduated from the University of Leeds on 15 July 2019. The ceremony began at 16:00, and was immediately followed by a reception in the Le Patourel room (fourth floor, Parkinson Building), where families of the new graduates and members of the IMS community celebrated with the graduates.
The IMS PhD graduates are:
- Daniele Morossi. Thesis title: Political and Economic Relations between Venice, Byzantium and Southern Italy (1081-1197).
- Rose Sawyer. Thesis title: Child Substitution: A new approach to the changeling motif in medieval European culture.
- James Titterton. Thesis title: Deception & Trickery in Medieval Warfare c.1050 - c.1320.
- Sunny Harrison. Thesis title: Jordanus Ruffus and the late-medieval hippiatric tradition: Animal-care practitioners and the horse.
- Ioannis Papadopoulos. Thesis title: Perceptions of Late Roman Patriotism and the Representation of Rome as an urban archetype of Utopia during the period 350-420AD.
- Hilary Rhodes. Thesis title: The Duchy of Burgundy and the Crusades: 1095 - c.1220.
All names in the group photo are listed from left to right. Front Row: Hilary Rhodes, James Titterton, Sunny Harrison, Rose Sawyer. Middle Row: Alan Murray, Alaric Hall, Melanie Brunner, Iona McCleery. Back Row: Emilia Jamroziak, William Flynn, Karen Watts, Graham Loud.
The IMS community also presented Emilia Jamroziak, Professor of Medieval Religious History and former Director of the IMS, with signed cards and a gift thanking her for her service this year. Alaric Hall, Associate Professor in the School of English, will begin as Director of the IMS in August 2019.
Congratulations to the graduates from the IMS community - and best wishes for the future!