Free webinar series: Corporate integrity

Access a series of free online forums from the IDEA Centre, exploring the ethical implications of corporate integrity.
In this free webinar series, we will share our extensive research and insights on corporate integrity, and invite a wide range of guest speakers to contribute and bring their own unique experience and practical knowledge to the debate.
Is now the time to double-down on corporate integrity?
In this introductory session, Tracey Groves and Jim Baxter set the scene for our short series on corporate integrity.
Most of us would probably say we know integrity when we see it, but how exactly should it be defined? And what does it mean for an organisation to have integrity?
Tracey and Jim get into these questions, and give a view as to why so many organisations still do not have a handle on corporate integrity, but also why it is more important now than ever. Finally they turn to the question of how organisations can start to understand how their culture, people and processes might be contributing to, or working against, integrity.
Integrity, leadership and culture
Jo Kenrick is a highly experienced business leader, with extensive experience as an executive director in a range of companies. She now holds a portfolio of Non-Executive Director roles in a range of private and third sector companies. This wide-ranging experience has given her some fascinating insights into integrity and corporate culture about which she talks eloquently in this webinar, which includes lots to think about.
Highlights include an exploration of integrity as involving flexibility, and true listening as involving willingness to be changed by what one hears; the effect on culture of different industry sectors and ownership structures, and the relationship between acculturation and influence – avoiding being either too close to or too distant from the culture of the organisation in which one would like to have an influence. The interview with Jo is followed by a lively Q&A which goes deeper into all of these issues and raises some more.
Keeping your integrity when under challenge
This webinar explores a personal story with interesting implications for personal and corporate integrity.
Richard Flint was Chief Executive of Sky Bet from its inception to the point where it was acquired by the Stars Group for £3.4bn. During that time he came to question the ethics of some of what the organisation was doing. Specifically, there was a shift in his understanding of personal agency and autonomy and their relation to gambling addiction which meant he no longer fully endorsed the way the business interacted with some of its customers.
In conversation with Jim Baxter and then in response to questions from attendees, Richard talks openly about this experience and how it prompted him to make changes in the organisation, both in terms of process and culture, to enable it to meet its ethical challenges more effectively.
This series of webinars is curated by Dr Jim Baxter.