James Joyce Broadsheet
How to submit

The remit of the James Joyce Broadsheet is wide and inclusive, and we welcome submissions of a variety of content. However, if you are planning to submit items to us you will need to adhere to the following guidelines.
All submissions
The usual length of the items we publish is:
- Articles, essays, and retrospectives: around 2,000 words
- Reviews of single books: around 800 words
- News items: around 500 words
- Other: case-by-case basis
Text received is normally edited to conform to house style and length. You can consult a recent issue for clarification on any matters of presentation, but in general:
- We use single inverted commas for speech and quotation
- We do not use footnotes or endnotes for scholarly citation, although brief parenthetical citations are usable in certain cases
All submissions must be typed and supplied in digital form (either emailed to us as a Word file or posted to us on a USB or similar). We would welcome receiving submissions by the following deadlines:
- 1st December for publication in the February issue
- 1st April for publication in the June issue
- 1st August for publication in the October issue
Book reviews
The majority of our book reviews are commissioned by the editors but we are prepared to consider unsolicited material and suggestions.
We will usually supply reviewers with a copy of the book you are reviewing, which you can keep. You will also receive a publisher's proof of your contribution immediately prior to publication, and three copies of the issue in which your review appears.
At the head of your review, you must include full information about the book you are reviewing (if you are unsure, please consult the publisher) in the following format:
- Author's name
- Book Title
- Place
- Publisher Date
- Pages
- ISBN (cloth) (paper)
At the end of your review please include your name in the exact form you would like it to appear in the published issue, and a brief note stating your present academic affiliation and/or a recent or forthcoming publication as appropriate.