Popular writing, talks, videos, radio, podcasts

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Talks and Podcasts
- Philosophy Valentines Event: A Series of CLSR Public Talks (2024). Available via Apple Music.
- Leeds Love Month: A Series of Public Talks Organised by CLSR (2024). Ethics Untangled.
- Robbie Morgan (2024) ‘Gaslighting to Woke: Origins of Modern Buzzwords’ Betwixt The Sheets.
- Luke Brunning (2023) ‘What's Wrong (or Right) With Monogamy? Ethics Untangled.
- Ruby Hornsby (2022): ‘Can Robots Be Our Friends?’ YouTube.
- Jessica Isserow (2020): ‘On Having Bad Persons As Friends’ Journal Entries
Public Blogs
- Natasha McKeever & Luke Brunning (2024): ‘The problems with dating apps and how they could be fixed – two relationship experts discuss’ The Conversation
- Robbie Morgan (2024) ‘’Woke’ and ‘gaslight’ don’t mean what you think they do – here’s why that’s a problem’ The Conversation.
- Luke Brunning (2024) ‘Relationship anarchy is about creating bonds that suit people, not social conventions’ The Conversation.
- Luke Brunning (2023): ‘Assailed by love’s slings and arrows? Try the philosophical approach’ Times Higher Education.
- Natasha McKeever & Ruby Hornsby (2022): ‘Is It Wrong To Have Sex With A Robot?’ Public Ethics Blog.
- Natasha McKeever and Luke Brunning (2019): ‘Being Asexual’ Aeon.
- Luke Brunning (2019) ‘Imagine There’s No Jealousy’ Aeon.