
Results 321 to 325 of 2496 in all schools

Co-production animation

Professor James Stark was a Co-Investigator on the Emerging Minds project which generated incredible impact by bringing together people and organisations passionate about mental health.

Someone with a megaphone surrounded by climate activists holding placards. Their signs read "it's our future," "real climate action" and "there is no planet B."

Climate change sceptics and climate activists are being urged to get together to try to find common ground as part of a study by the University of Leeds.

Shelves of books at the Brotherton Library

Articles written by Andrea Mancini and Pawel Cholewicki have been published in a recently published edited volume discussing the physical and spiritual journeys of Medicant Orders.

William Buckland, Geological Cross-Section, 1836

Professor Jon Topham has been awarded the 2023 academic book prize of the International Society for Science and Religion (ISSR) for his recent book "Reading the Book of Nature".

Close-up image of small pieces of charcoal. Copyright :Lucy Crouch.

MA Fine Art alumni Lucy Crouch and Matthew Vaughan have teamed up to collaborate on Tracing Matter, a new exhibition which opened at GLOAM Gallery in Sheffield last week.