
Results 316 to 320 of 2510 in all schools

Fuam 2023 exhibition

The prize and exhibition, supported by the Friends of University Art & Music (FUAM), showcases and celebrates the artistic excellence of students completing BA studies in Art and Design and Fine Art.

Parkinson building

Professor Wiszewski (University of Wroclaw) spoke at the first IMS seminar talk for the new academic year, presenting the findings of a recent project examining multi-ethnic groups in medieval Europe.

Ethics untangled ep 7

Jamie Dow on how sonorous, humorous or rhetorically elegant language can help us to get our message across more effectively and change people's minds, as part of the Ethics Untangled series

Dr fear on Polish TV

Dr Sean Fear, Lecturer in International History, shares his expertise as US-Vietnamese relations change.

Burned out: A Visual and Lyrical Sociology of Smoking in the City

Luc Pauwels describes “Burned out: A Visual and Lyrical Sociology of Smoking in the City,” by Professor Stephen Coleman and Dr Jim Brogden