PhD Studentship in Applied Ethics
Apply by 3rd of July for IDEA's new PhD studentship in Applied Ethics. The PhD will start in the academic year 2017-2018.
The Inter-Disciplinary Ethics Applied Centre intends to offer a Studentship in Applied Ethics, broadly conceived, to a high quality candidate for its full-time or part-time PhD programme. The studentship is tenable for 3yr (f-t) or 5yr (p-t) from September/October 2017 and has both tuition and maintenance components: academic fees will be will be covered at the UK/EU rate and the maintenance provided at the standard Research Councils UK stipend rate. (The award will be made conditionally on successful application for admission to study for PhD in the Inter-Disciplinary Ethics Applied Centre. This application is made through the School of Philosophy, Religion and History of Science (see admission procedure below). Renewal of the studentship each year is subject to satisfactory progress towards PhD completion.
As part of their professional development, the Centre will require the successful applicant to undertake teaching for the Centre, after having undertaken any necessary training, which is paid at an hourly rate in addition to the studentship stipend. The normal expectation will be in the region of 40 hours teaching a year, but up to 80 hours a year may be available. The studentship holder will be also be expected to take a full role in the life of the Centre from the Research Activities through to the Professional Ethics Network.
Candidates for PhD in the Inter-Disciplinary Ethics Applied Centre are able to take advantage of a professional training and development scheme for postgraduates which is provided through the Faculty of Arts “LEAP” Training Hub.
The Inter-Disciplinary Ethics Applied Centre also offers its PhD students financial support for conference attendance.
It is desirable that applicants have a Master’s level qualification in philosophy, but those who have a very good first degree in philosophy, or a master’s level or very good first degree in a discipline relevant to the Inter-Disciplinary Ethics Applied Centre, and clear aptitude for the study of applied ethics, will also be considered.
Applications are welcome in all areas of applied ethics. The Centre has research interests and supervisory expertise in a wide range of areas, and particular strengths in:
* Moral psychology (especially desire, emotion, and rationality) and virtue theory;
* Ancient ethics (especially Plato and Aristotle);
* Contemporary moral theory;
* The demandingness of ethics (and gradability in moral theories);
* Political philosophy (especially political obligation);
* Emotions and ethics - the role of emotions in correct responses to ethical considerations;
* Moral development;
* Practical wisdom, practical judgment and moral expertise;
* Ethical issues in leadership and influence;
* The ethics of persuasion, including (but not limited to) rhetoric, advocacy, advertising, the public interest.
* Biomedical & Health Care Ethics;
* Psychiatric ethics (including vice and mental illness);
* Informed consent;
* The ethical significance of pleasure and pain (e.g. in public policy, in ethical goal-setting);
* Moral luck and punishment;
* Exploitation;
* Business ethics and the purpose of business;
* Professional ethics (and engineering ethics in particular);
* Integrity (in individuals and in organisations);
* Climate change and responsibility;
* Privacy and surveillance issues, including the ethics of big data;
* Media ethics;
Background of the Inter-Disciplinary Ethics Applied Centre (IDEA CETL)
The IDEA CETL’s vision is to be a world-class Centre for excellence in teaching and research in inter-disciplinary applied ethics. Founded in 2005 with an initial injection of nearly £3million from HEFCE, it is now self-sustaining, working in partnership with host disciplines across the University to develop UG and PG teaching in applied ethics. It also has a role in supporting such developments nationally. Since its inception it has developed significant Research and Professional Ethics Consultancy activity and has a lively programme of research seminars, research workshops and conferences to which its PGR students are expected to contribute. It
has attracted charitable, professional body and learned society support for these events.
The IDEA CETL currently teaches in the following areas: Medical Ethics, Engineering Ethics, Business Ethics, Ethics and Nanotechnology, Ethics in Chemistry, Media Ethics, Environmental Ethics, Computing Ethics, Ethics in Dentistry, Professional Ethics and Research Ethics. It would be an advantage for the successful candidate’s research to contribute to our expertise in at least one of these areas.
Application Procedure
i) Summary Person Specification
* Applicants MUST first submit the relevant study application form(s) and be in receipt of a University BANNER ID Number (Student ID Number) to be eligible for an Inter-Disciplinary Ethics Applied Centre (IDEA CETL) Studentship. On-line applicants automatically receive their University BANNER ID Number by email; paper applicants should request their University BANNER ID Number from
* Applicants must hold at least a good first degree in philosophy or a Master’s level or good first degree in a discipline relevant to the IDEA CETL, and clear aptitude for the study of applied ethics.
* It is desirable that applicants have a Master’s level qualification in philosophy.
* Applicants should be able to demonstrate their ability to contribute to the broader success of the IDEA CETL, including potential contributions to the research environment, teaching and professional ethics consultancy work of the Centre.
* Applicants whose first language is not English must meet the University's English Language requirements. Your score must be no more than two years old by your official start date at the University of Leeds
ii) Application to undertake PhD study:
To apply for admission to the Inter-Disciplinary Ethics Applied Centre, you use the standard University postgraduate research application form. The application is made through the School of Philosophy, Religion and History of Science and information on such admissions can be found on the "How to apply - research degrees" webpage. The application form can be found via the research postgraduate web application service.
Applications should be made to the “Philosophy” subject area. Please make it clear in your application that you are applying to the “IDEA Centre”.
Applicants should provide with their application:
* a 500 word PhD-proposal;
* transcripts/certificates of academic qualifications completed and/or in progress; and
* a sample of written work which should constitute a philosophical essay on a question of your choice which must be no less than 3-4,000 words.
* Applicants should also arrange for three academic referees to submit references directly to the PRHS Postgraduate Office using the University’s referee’s report form.
iii) Application for the Studentships:
To apply for the Studentship the following documents must also be submitted to the PRHS Postgraduate Office by the deadline:
* a two page CV; and
* a 300 word statement setting out the ways in which they see themselves contributing to the life and broader success of the Inter-Disciplinary Ethics Applied Centre.
For academic enquiries about Postgraduate study at IDEA CETL, please contact Prof. Chris Megone, Dr. Jamie Dow, copying to Paul McShane --
All references and supporting documents for the Studentship application should be sent to the PRHS Postgraduate Office, G15, Michael Sadler Building, University of Leeds, Leeds, LS2 9JT. Email:
For enquires on the application process please contact Clare Smith Tel: +44 (0)113 343 3644/3263,
The closing date for receipt of applications for the studentship is Monday 3rd July. The award is conditional on successful application for admission to study for a PhD in the Inter-Disciplinary Ethics Applied Centre (IDEA CETL). Interviews are likely to be held in w/b 17th July 2017.
The University of Leeds promotes excellence in teaching, learning and research.
We welcome applications from all sections of the community.
Textphone for deaf applicants only 0113 343 4353.
All information is available in alternative formats - please contact 0113 343 5771