Our research

The Centre is the home of International Writers at Leeds, a programme that hosts public readings by writers from around the world in conjunction with Leeds Central Library.
Early-career researchers and graduate students in the Centre run a research group entitled Reading the Fantastic, organised in collaboration with the Leeds Arts and Humanities Research Institute.
Individual members of the Centre are involved with various other research groups and projects, including the following:
- Dr Jacob Blakesley and Dr Federica Pich are Co-Directors of the Leeds Centre for Dante Studies, which promotes the study of Dante through a variety of collaborations and public engagement activities.
- Professor Stuart Taberner is principal investigator on a Leverhulme Trust Major Research entitled 'Traumatic Pasts, Cosmopolitanism, and Nation-Building in Contemporary German and South African Literature', 2015-2018’ and on a related British Academy project on ‘Contemporary Literature from Germany and South Africa: Critiquing the Narrativization of Trauma as Nation-Building’, in collaboration with colleagues at the University of Cape Town.
- Dr Richard Hibbitt is a member of Writing 1900, an international network of scholars researching cultural history around 1900. The network aims to rethink the circulation of authors and texts in the period known either as the Fin de Siècle or Early Modernism, investigating notions of nationhood, cosmopolitanism and cultural capital.
The Centre for World Literatures also works together with the following research groups at the University of Leeds:
- Centre for African Studies (LUCAS)
- Institute for Colonial and Postcolonial Studies (ICPS)
- Institute for Medieval Studies (IMS)
Academic team and associates
Co-directors: Dr Helen Finch, Dr Sameh Hanna, Dr Richard Hibbitt, Dr Sarah Hudspith
Deputy Directors: Dr Olivia Santovetti, Professor Stuart Taberner
- Professor Margaret Atack (French Studies)
- Dr Bev Back (Classics)
- Dr Alessio Baldini (Italian Studies)
- Dr Jacob Blakesley (Translation Studies)
- Dr Rachel Bower (Cheney Early Career Fellow, LHRI)
- Dr Roger Brock (Classics)
- Professor Ros Brown-Grant (French Studies)
- Dr Anthony Carrigan (School of English)
- Dr Ingo Cornils (German Studies)
- Dr Luca Degl’Innocenti (Italian Studies)
- Dr Sarah Dodd (East Asian Studies)
- Dr Sam Durrant (School of English)
- Dr Helen Finch (German Studies)
- Professor Frank Finlay (German Studies)
- Dr Denis Flannery (School of English)
- Dr David Frier (Portuguese)
- Professor Paul Hammond (School of English)
- Dr Sameh Hanna Soliman (Arabic / Translation Studies)
- Dr Alison Hardie (Chinese Studies)
- Dr Irena Hayter (Japanese Studies)
- Professor Malcolm Heath (Classics)
- Dr Richard Hibbitt (French Studies)
- Dr Owen Hodkinson (Classics)
- Professor Diana Holmes (French Studies)
- Margriet Hoogvliet (French Studies)
- Professor Claire Honess (Italian Studies)
- Dr Sarah Hudspith (Russian)
- Professor Graham Huggan (School of English)
- Professor Emeritus Rachel Killick (Quebec Studies and French)
- Dr Claire Lozier (French Studies)
- Dr Nicolò Maldina (Italian Studies)
- Dr Regina May (Classics)
- Professor John McLeod (School of English)
- Dr Paul Melo e Castro (Portuguese)
- Professor Jeremy Munday (Translation Studies)
- Dr David Pattinson (Chinese Studies)
- Dr Federica Pich (Italian Studies)
- Dr Thea Pitman (Latin American Studies)
- Professor Jane Plastow (School of English)
- Professor David Platten (French Studies)
- Dr Jane Rickard (School of English)
- Dr Arthur Rose (School of English)
- Dr Massimo Rosposcher (Italian Studies)
- Dr Paul Rowe (French Studies)
- Dr Nigel Saint (French Studies)
- Dr Olivia Santovetti (Italian Studies)
- Dr Andrew Stafford (French Studies)
- Dr Gigliola Sulis (Italian Studies)
- Dr Caroline Summers (German / Translation Studies)
- Professor Stuart Taberner (German Studies)
- Dr Matthew Treherne (Italian Studies)
- Professor Emeritus John R. G. Turner (Honorary Visiting Fellow, French Studies)
- Dr Frances Weightman (Chinese Studies)
- Dr Duncan Wheeler (Spanish Studies)
- Dr Paul White (Comparative Literature)
- Dr Lan Yang (Chinese Studies)
- Kivilcim Yavuz (Institute for Medieval Studies)
PhD researchers
- Ikhlas Abdul Hadi (East Asian Studies)
- Bashar Almaani (Translation Studies)
- Leonardo Costantini (Classics, PhD)
- Natalie Enright (Classics, PhD)
- Alice Franzon (Italian Studies)
- Lewis Greaves (GRASS, PhD)
- Lourdes Parra Lazcano (SPLAS, PhD)
- Laura Lucia Rossi (Italian Studies)
- Clara Stella (Italian Studies)
20 June 2018 - Zoë Wicomb and Yousif M. Qasmiyeh in conversation with Professor Lyndsey Stonebridge
25 April 2018 - Negotiating the Past: Translation, Authority and Authenticity - The Centre for World Literatures Annual Lecture 2018: Professor Susan Bassnett (University of Warwick / University of Glasgow)
07 March 2018 - In conversation with Mustapha Benfodil
30 October 2017 - The Nation through the Body: An Approach to Identity Performance in Contemporary Puerto Rican Literature, Centre for World Literatures seminar by Dr René Rodríguez Ramirez.
For more information, please contact Dr Richard Hibbitt