Charlotte Dalrymple
- Course: MA Writing for Performance and Publication
What made you want to apply to your course and to Leeds?
I wanted to pursue my long-held desire to write a young adult novel, but felt I needed expert input with honing the skills. I had begun to recognise too the worth in being immersed in a supportive environment. The University’s reputation was also a draw.
What is it that makes you passionate about your area of study?
I believe that writers have the ability to create realities and I want those realities to be positive!
What aspects of the course did you enjoy the most?
Whilst my original interest was prose, I have valued being exposed to television and playwriting which has been really beneficial in terms of understanding the need for conflict and action.
My first attempt at playwriting was selected for a festival of new writing based at the University in partnership with Leeds Playhouse, which was incredibly exciting. This year one of my scripts has been selected for the Grand Writers Platform, a programme where my play will be produced by Leeds Grand Theatre and performed by young actors from Leeds Actors in Training (LAIT). Attending rehearsals and shaping the production, has been excellent fun.
What has been the most surprising thing about coming to Leeds?
How much building work and campus development has happened since I was an undergraduate student here in 1997! In the city itself, the amount of creativity going on and the possibilities and opportunities they produce has really surprised me.
What would you say about the learning facilities in your School and at the University in general?
The theatre spaces and facilities that the School has are such a gift. We used to use an old filming facility in the Dental Building when I was doing my first degree in Broadcasting in the late 90's!
What would you say to anyone thinking of applying to your course?
Be open-minded to the benefits of studying the various writing platforms upon both your writing in general and the potential career flexibility.
What do you plan to do now you’ve finished your course, and how do you think the skills and knowledge you’ve developed at Leeds will help with these plans?
Find part-time creative work to help support my writing habit and finish my young adult novel. Seize opportunities as they emerge. The course has given me a better idea of the planning, discipline and self-editing required and I have more confidence in my ability to recognise what’s working and how to fix what’s not.