
Results 221 to 225 of 251 in School of Philosophy, Religion and History of Science

Johanna has been awarded a Friedrich Wilhelm Bessel Research Award through the Humboldt Fellowship Scheme and will be spending a year at the University of Bamberg.

Johanna has been awarded a Friedrich Wilhelm Bessel Research Award through the Humboldt Fellowship Scheme and will be spending a year at the University of Bamberg.

Dr Adriaan van Klinken, Associate Professor of Religion and African Studies, recently contributed to a BBC Radio 4 programme about homosexuality and religion in Africa.

Up to one Mangoletsi Scholarship is available from the School of Philosophy, Religion and History of Science for session 2017/18 for new applications to the Taught MA in Philosophy or MA by Research.

We are pleased to announce that the School of Philosophy, Religion and History of Science is offering two UK/EU fee scholarships for Taught Postgraduate study in 2017/18.