
Results 46 to 50 of 126 in School of Music

Great Hall

This month three scholars from the School of Music at the University of Leeds have published chapters in Rethinking the Musical Instrument, a collection of essays edited by Mine Doğantan-Dack, which re-examines the musical instrument in the 21st century.

Emily Payne book cover edited

The Oxford Handbook of Time in Music (edited by Mark Doffman, Emily Payne and Toby Young), explores the centrality of time to our understanding of music and music-making and offers perspectives on time in music.

Parkinson building

We are funding two new full fee PGT scholarships for entry in September 2022.

Jack Kerouac

A Centennial Celebration in Words and Music featuring Dr Simon Warner

The cover of the Thomas Ade essays collection - a handwritten music score

In the year of Adès’s 50th birthday, Professor Edward Venn and Professor Philip Stoecker have published a collection of academic essays on the British composer Thomas Adès.