
Results 111 to 115 of 260 in School of Fine Art, History of Art and Cultural Studies

Detail from image of Edward Jenner vaccinating patients. Edited etching by J Gillray 1802. Wellcome Trust collection

Dr Helen Graham introduces the exhibitions curated by this year’s MA students as part of their Interpretations module.

Cover of Displaced Replaced art book with art work by Georgina Davis in the background

Fine Art graduate Catherine Morgan writes about working on a final year student collective project to create an art book, in the context of adapting to the covid-19 pandemic lockdown.

Photo of an interconnected, dew covered spider web

A webinar series celebrating the interdisciplinary nature of the arts, and partnerships between art professionals, researchers and students.

Photograph of Jade French

Visiting Research Fellow Dr Jade French has published a monograph with Arc Humanities Press.

Art work by Poppy Jones Little and Sasha Napoli

This year’s annual FUAM Graduate Art Prize is going virtual.