
Results 291 to 295 of 778 in Faculty of Arts, Humanities and Cultures

Former BBC presenter Louise Minchin sitting on a bed, smiling, holding a bag of wool
Picture via Woolroom

Louise Minchin has teamed up with Woolroom for its Menopause and Clean Sleep campaign after revealing how the menopause started to affect her job on BBC Breakfast.

The Faculty of Arts, Humanities and Cultures Athena Swan team

The Faculty of Arts, Humanities and Cultures at the University of Leeds has been awarded a prestigious bronze award under the Athena SWAN charter.

Simon armitage

The Poet Laureate and University of Leeds Professor of Poetry has been commissioned by the BBC to examine the corporation from a ‘unique perspective’. 

A yellow bicycle in front of the Berlin Wall. 
Picture free to use via Unsplash/Yc Liao

A call for papers for a University of Leeds conference examining the continuing impact of the Wende in German culture has been issued.

Parkinson Building 6

Running throughout October, Black History Month provides an opportunity to learn, acknowledge and celebrate Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic (BAME) cultures.