Nomination for ‘Russian in Plain English’ textbook by final year PhD researcher Natalia V. Parker

A book by final year PhD researcher Natalia V. Parker has been nominated for the 2022 AATSEEL (American Association of Teachers of Slavic and East European Languages) Book Award in Linguistics and Language Pedagogy.
The textbook ‘Russian in Plain English’ is published by Routledge and has been nominated for the 2022 AATSEEL (American Association of Teachers of Slavic and East European Languages) Book Award in Linguistics and Language Pedagogy.
My textbook ‘Russian in Plain English’ by Routledge has been designed with learners' cognitive processing in mind, rather than teachers' syllabus. Therefore, the organisation of the book is anything but traditional. The language material is presented and then incorporated into classroom activities in a way which would help learners process it in the most effective way. This includes pronunciation, vocabulary, grammar (both morphology and syntax).
Natalia has conducted extensive research in Second Language Acquisition and psycholinguistics. Her research projects were funded by the British Philological Society and UK Research and Innovation. The materials were successfully tested at the University of Swansea, University of Sheffield and University of Leeds.
Since October 2021 Natalia has been teaching Russian at the School of Slavonic and East European Studies (SSEES) at University College London (UCL).
Congratulations on your nomination Natalia!
Profile: Natalia V Parker
Twitter: @NataliaVParker1