Postgraduate researcher makes longlist for two prestigious awards

How the Light Gets In, by postgraduate researcher and professional writer Clare Fisher, has secured a place on the longlist for two prestigious awards that support the work of young writers.
Clare is one of 13 creative writers to appear on the longlist for the £10,000 Edge Hill University short story prize, the only UK based award to recognise excellence in a single authored short story collection.
Speaking of the success Clare commented: "I'm happily surprised to be longlisted for this prize. Writing (or pursuing any creative endeavour) involves long periods of doubt and uncertainty; seeing your work alongside that of experienced, award-winning authors, as many on the Edgehill list are, is a great spur to keep going."
Clare’s short story collection has also received a second nomination for the world’s largest literary prize for young writers. The novel is one of 12 titles that have been nominated for the International Dylan Thomas £30,000 prize.
Clare is currently studying a practice-led PhD in the School of Performance and Cultural Industries.
Read more about Clare’s research here.