Kate Cameron
- Email: mc07kac@leeds.ac.uk
- Thesis title: Assessing musical impacts: developing child-centred methods to evaluate In Harmony, Opera North
- Supervisors: Professor Karen Burland, Dr Freya Bailes, Charlotte Perkins (Opera North)
I am a PhD researcher with an interest in Music Education. Prior to taking up my PhD research I worked as a secondary school classroom music teacher in Cambridgeshire. During this time I oversaw the secondary music PGCE programme at the University of Cambridge. Since undertaking my PhD research I have been able to develop my teaching experience further, contributing to the delivery of undergraduate and masters level teaching within the School of Music at the University of Leeds.
In addition to my research, I am also intern for Pedagogic Research in Arts (PRiA), a role which allows me to connect with, and support staff across the faculty in their teaching practice and research. I enjoy singing and regularly perform with The Leeds Guild of Singers and The Exon Singers.
Research interests
My PhD research is focused on the Opera North In Harmony programme. The aim of the research is to develop innovative tools to establish the impact of music tuition. These tools target the potential impact of music tuition in three areas: changing moods and emotions; experiences of social connection; and perceptions of musical and academic self-efficacy. Each of these areas intentionally target issues that are hard to measure and evaluate. The research seeks to both better understand In Harmony, Opera North and develop tools that can be used to evaluate music and arts education more widely.
- Associate Fellow of the HEA
- MEd, University of Cambridge
- PGCE, Secondary Music, University of Cambridge
- 1st Class BA Hons, Newcastle University